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LL Tickets for sale


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Sorry its a pair of tickets. I have my own pair that I will prob be selling if everythign goes as planned and I head to Indi the following week.

They are in section 228 row 13, unobstructed view. Right in front of the pillar Face on the tickets is $109

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Do you have any pictures fo your view

The picture I have from my view are in the background of personal pictures so they are not very clear and you can't see the view really.

The following link is from redsksins.com and give you a rough estimate of the view. I just found out about this option a few weeks ago on someone elses thread but it is great. I think they said that the picture is taken from row 4 or 5. My seats are in row 13 so 10 rows up from where the pictures were taken. Not perfect but it gives you an idea. When you open the webpage just click on section 228 to see the view. The picture itself can be enlarged up to 3 times by clicking on it.


I only have Giants, Carolina and Titans left.

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No worries.

Out of curiosity how did the transaction for the tickets go. I have have sold six of the games but am curios to see what the protocol is to "Sell" tickets even though we haven't received them from teh Skins.


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