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Chic Hernandes on Comcast Sportsnight talking to Arenas Sr.


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I was watching Sportsnight on DirecTV (Thank God for DirecTV) and he was interviewing Gilbert Arenas Sr. when he asked him if he was going to play the part of Doug Williams in the upcoming movie about Doug's life.

Was Chic serious about this? Is there really a movie about Doug's life coming soon!!?? Anyone else heard anything about this?

Next to and after my father, Doug is my Hero. I've always wanted them to make a movie about his life and I remember after XXII they were talking about making a movie about his life, but nothing really ever came of it.

Anyone? Man, I hope Chic wasn't just making conversation!!

:dallasuck :eaglesuck :gaintsuck


aka UltimateSkinsFan

(Proud son of a WWII ETO Vet - a member o/t "Greatest Generation")

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Well, a somewhat exhaustive search on Yahoo yielded a lot of results about a Gospel singer named Doug Williams and a few articles about how the real Doug Williams now works for the Tampa Bay Bucs' front office, and was cheering for them in their recent wild-card game against us last January :mad: . Also checked comingsoon.net (a pretty big movie production website) and they had nothing either. Would make for an interesting movie but unfortunately it doesn't seem to be in the works.

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