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New LOST tonight. First of the Final 4 Episodes.


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The way that show works is ridiculous(I stopped watching after season one, too many unanswered questions). Why do they need 3 weeks in between episodes and filler episodes? They should learn from 24 and do a continuous season.

A good number of my friends decided to stop watching the show due to the constant breaks in between episodes .... I always asked them why!!! Now I'm beginning to get a little irritated over the lack of shows .... B**TARDS!!!

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A good number of my friends decided to stop watching the show due to the constant breaks in between episodes .... I always asked them why!!! Now I'm beginning to get a little irritated over the lack of shows .... B**TARDS!!!

I honestly think the rating will tank before too long. You can't just drag your fans along like they do without any real answers. My wife told me about them finally revealing the monster in the woods. Smoke? That's just stupid!

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its very frustrating with the breaks, especially if your not paying attention and you expect it to be a new episode.

However, watching it again in that many episode recap they did I solidified one of my observations. Im convinced now that the pow wow with zeke where all the torches came on was indeed a theatric trick. they werent torches, like looked like gas flames and they did auto light. of all the shots they showed of the torches you couldnt see a single person and the one figure they showed it could have easily been a dummy.

Perhaps micheal isnt setting them up when he said theres not many of them. Also in the previews for next week, ....

...didnt it look like when sawyer went to dig up the guns he had a look on his face like they were gone?

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The torch thing was the only good thing to come out of that, as we had discussed that after the last new LOST. I think that was sometime last year.....

Oh & to ABC, **** you!!!!!! Quit screwing with the airing of the damn show. Next time, order a few more episodes so you can make it into May Sweeps Week without jerking the damn fan base around.

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so you saying they aren't done filming this season yet?

I have no idea if they're done filming or not. Filming isn't the end of the story; they still have to edit the film and all that crap. They might have finished weeks ago, but are still editing some episodes?? I have no idea...just wanted to point that out. :whoknows:

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The torch thing was the only good thing to come out of that, as we had discussed that after the last new LOST. I think that was sometime last year.....

Oh & to ABC, **** you!!!!!! Quit screwing with the airing of the damn show. Next time, order a few more episodes so you can make it into May Sweeps Week without jerking the damn fan base around.

I'm sure they run 22-24 episodes per season just like other series do. I don't think its fair to compare it to 24 as someone earlier did. Lost begins their season in September. 24 starts their season far later than other shows due to the Baseball season and other factors. What I do hate is when they do show a re-run, its a show from the 1st season, not the second.

I think the next 4 weeks are going to be crazy for this series though. I seriously doubt that Michael is telling, or knows, the truth about the others.

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have to really agree with this!

didn't they play a 2 hour Alias show last week instead of Lost? and then this week is another repeat!

having to wait 3 or 4 weeks to see a new episode is really getting old. I was out of town so watch them on Itunes which makes things a bit better.

but really every series should go like "24" does. hopefully they will in the future..

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I believe we'll get three straight weeks of new episodes starting next Wednesday.

I think there is going to be four straight episodes. I also get frustrated with the reruns, but I love the show so much, that I wouldn't think of quit watching it.

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But whatchagonnado? I've got the last several on DVR and it helps to just watch 'em one after another. It is hard to keep any sense of continuity when there are 3 week gaps in the show but there is supposed to be a new episode scheduled for next week.

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The ratings were so good that they decided to drag things out and add all kinds of stupid back story, love interests, etc. It makes me want to just not watch is and wait for the DVDs but I just can't help myself! :mad:

I don't think the back stories are stupid at all. They are significant as to how and why they ended up on the island.

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