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"America's Team"


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I think my #1 pet peave of all time is when the Cowgirls are referred to as "America's Team". I'm just curious to know where on earth this moronic reference originated. I'm assuming somewhere in Dallas, but who started it? Does anyone know?


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We've got the "best fans" title, let the cowturds pretend America cares about them. It is stupid though, I hate bandwagoners and it's horrible to think they could have an influence over 30 years later.


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We've got the "best fans" title, let the cowturds pretend America cares about them. It is stupid though, I hate bandwagoners and it's horrible to think they could have an influence over 30 years later.


It doesn't have anything to do with bandwagon fans. It was because of the clean cut, god fearing image they had in the 70's.

AND THERE IS NO INFLUENCE 30 YEARS LATER. You guys are the only ones who bring it up. No cowboys fan does. If they do, they are just messing with your minds.

As far as bandwagon fans go, Dallas is no different than any other team that wins superbowls, world series, NBA titles. With championships, come bandwagoners. Simple as that.

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You can thank solid marketing from the Cowboys over the course of 30 years.

And to those who say the image still doesn't stick around, then why do the Cowboys continue increase in value despite multiple losing seasons in the past few years? And why have the Cowboys continued to recieve primetime games?

It sure isn't because they have a stadium that can seat 92 thousand people. They have done, and still do, an excellent job of creating an image and putting their name out there. And from a marketing prepective the fact that everyone 'who doesn't love them, hates them' is better than 'everyone who doesn't love them doesn't care about them.'

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Not that you couldn't find this anywhere on the internet, but it was the guys at NFL films. They said it first. I agree it is stupid, but it is like 25 years old or something crazy like that.

I read somewhere that the title was first offered to the Steelers by some newspaper, IIRC, and they didn't really want the moniker, but the Cowboys took the name .

I found this just now, but can't vouch for its authenticity:

" In the 1970's, after the Steelers/Cowboys wars, a certain news agency

: asked Art Rooney if he could quote the Steelers as "America's Team".

: He said 'no, This is Pittsburghs team.' Therefore it was given to

: Dallas Cowchips, 'cause they wanted it.

: This was an artical that appeared in The Daily News, NY. So Dallas

: wasn't the first choice for it."

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Why The Cowboys Are America's Team

After each season, personnel at NFL Films put together highlight films of each team's games. After editor Bob Ryan prepared the tape of the Dallas Cowboys following Super Bowl XIII, he had to come up with a title. By 1978, the Cowboys had been on national television far more than any other NFL franchise. Dallas players, from Roger Staubach to Tony Dorsett to Randy White to Too Tall Jones to Harvey Martin, and on and on, were household names regularly featured on billboards and in television, radio, and print advertising. Considering the team's popularity - or notoriety, a term Cowboys haters preferred - Ryan came up with the title of "America's Team." It caught on.

Tom Landry hated the appellation. He thought it would provide extra incentive to opposing teams. Eventually, though, he resigned himself and actually came to like it.

Dallas players, too, had their doubts.

The nickname has stuck with the Cowboys ever since.

-Excerpt from the book "Dallas Cowboys: Our Story"

"After the '78 season, the Cowboys had just lost a

crushing Super Bowl to the Steelers. I wanted to come up

with a different twist on their team highlight film. I noticed

then, and had noticed earlier, that wherever the Cowboys

played, you saw people in the stands with Cowboys

jerseys and hats and pennants. Plus, they were always the

national game on television. If you think back, there has

always been one team in each sport that has support from

fans nationwide: the Yankees in baseball, Notre Dame in

college football, the Boston Celtics in pro basketball. They

are all America's teams. So I put that name on the Cowboys'

film, and in 1979 the TV announcer for their first game

introduced the Cowboys as 'America's Team.'

They took a lot of heat for it, but it stuck. Later other clubs

like the Atlanta Braves and the U.S. Olympic hockey team

have tried to call themselves 'America's Team.' But that

name belongs to the Cowboys."

-Bob Ryan, Vice President and editor-in-chief, NFL Films


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I think my #1 pet peave of all time is when the Cowgirls are referred to as "America's Team". I'm just curious to know where on earth this moronic reference originated. I'm assuming somewhere in Dallas, but who started it? Does anyone know?


Maybe they are America's Team..........Central America! Remember the Alamo.

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"I noticed

then, and had noticed earlier, that wherever the Cowboys

played, you saw people in the stands with Cowboys

jerseys and hats and pennants. If you think back, there has

always been one team in each sport that has support from

fans nationwide: the Yankees in baseball, Notre Dame in

college football, the Boston Celtics in pro basketball."

Obviously this guy wasn't in Tampa for our playoff game. Those flags they handed out to everyone and the fact that a lot of the jerseys on either side were of course similar in color hid us all but when the game ended and the locals stormed out, it might as well have been our stadium. Not to mention that in every away game they show on tv, you see the Redskins fans. I love the video of the 14-13 surprise when you see only one person in one of the suites who looks shocked while the rest are dancing and cheering. Also, the Redskins don't require any marketing, we've sold out consistently since the 60's.

I'll accept the Yankees and Nortre Dame but the cowturds and celtics? How things change over the decades...


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I think my #1 pet peave of all time is when the Cowgirls are referred to as "America's Team". I'm just curious to know where on earth this moronic reference originated. I'm assuming somewhere in Dallas, but who started it? Does anyone know?

It was penned by NFL Films. Fact is in the 70's, they were the most recognized and identified team in the NFL. They had a heisman QB who went to the naval academy, a well respected coach, star players , and the best cheerleaders anywhere.

The same is still true today. Most NFL franchises are regional or local. Dallas and Oakland are the only ones that have a fan base all over the country. I am not saying that there are not deadskin fans in seattle, they just do not have the following national (or internationally) that Dallas has.

Dallas was to the NFL what the Yankees and Lakers are to MLB and NBA. Natioanl appeal, superstars, championships, legends.

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This is about the 50th thread on this topic. Please use search next time.

Why is it so disturbing to people that new threads drudge up old topics? So it's old to you, but new to others. Why should we use search? So we can see you're point on the subject? If you're so tired of this subject why even post this statement? What is this anal desire of people to have only one thread on a given topic? Lots of new threads on old topics I say! Lets make those forum moderators earn their money and merge threads when necessary. With the listed 50,000 plus members their are bound to be some repeats. You're just bouncing your head against a wall.

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