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CNN.COM: Bush's approval ratings slide to new low (32%)


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Bush's approval ratings slide to new low

Poll: Only one-third say he's handling his job well

Monday, April 24, 2006; Posted: 4:56 p.m. EDT (20:56 GMT)

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- President Bush's approval ratings have sunk to a personal low, with only a third of Americans saying they approve of the way he is handling his job, a national poll released Monday said.

In the telephone poll of 1,012 adult Americans carried out Friday through Sunday by Opinion Research Corporation for CNN, 32 percent of respondents said they approve of Bush's performance, 60 percent said they disapprove and 8 percent said they do not know.

That's a significant drop from the way Americans perceived the president a year ago. In a CNN/USA Today/Gallup poll carried out April 29-May 1, 2005, Americans were split on their assessments of Bush's performance, with 48 percent saying they approved and 49 percent saying they disapproved. (Read the complete results document -- PDF)

CNN's poll has a sampling error of plus-or-minus 3 percentage points for most questions.

It was one of four conducted within the past 10 days that have yielded similar results: a Pew Center poll carried out April 7-16 gave Bush a 35 percent approval rating; a Fox News/Opinion Dynamics poll carried out last Tuesday and Wednesday gave him a 33 percent approval rating; and an American Research Group poll carried out Tuesday through Friday gave him a 34 percent approval rating.

Asked whether the term "strong and decisive leader" describes Bush, 46 percent said yes, down from 62 percent who said they felt that way in a CNN/USA Today/Gallup survey carried out July 22-24, 2005.

Asked whether "honest and trustworthy" describes the president, 40 percent said yes, down from 56 percent in a survey carried out April 1-2 last year.

Americans were evenly split on whether Bush is "competent," with 47 percent saying yes, 47 percent saying no and 6 percent expressing no opinion.

Dissatisfaction with their leader appears to parallel Americans' unhappiness over gas prices. More than two-thirds of Americans (69 percent) said recent increases in the cost of gasoline have caused them hardship, with 28 percent saying they have not, and 1 percent saying they have no opinion.

Asked to rate the level of hardship, 23 percent described it as "severe," and 46 percent described it as "moderate."

That's up from last April, when a CNN/USA Today/Gallup poll found that 15 percent of respondents said the price of gasoline was causing them "severe hardship" and 43 percent said it was causing them "moderate" hardship.

Last week, a Lundberg Survey of gasoline prices found the average cost of a gallon of self-serve regular was $2.91. Last April, the average gallon cost $2.29.

Bush's flagging popularity might produce dividends for the Democrats. Asked about the congressional elections slated for November, half of registered voters said they would vote for Democrats if the election were held now, 40 percent said they would vote for Republicans and 6 percent said they did not know.

This question has a margin of error of plus or minus 4 percentage points.

Still, that's not significantly different from last August, when 53 percent said they were likely to vote for a Democrat versus 41 percent who said they were likely to vote Republican and 6 percent who said they were undecided.



Hopefully this should jump start the impeachment movement..


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How is this news?

This is just the same crap every time they come out with a poll...yawn.

They, whoes they? you mean CNN?..oh wait not even fox news can hide the truth....

04/20/06 FOX Poll: Gloomy Economic Views; Bush Approval at New Low

Thursday, April 20, 2006

By Dana Blanton

Bush, GOP Approval Ratings Hit New Lows

NEW YORK — More Americans disapprove than approve of how George W. Bush, Donald Rumsfeld and Congress are doing their jobs, while a majority approves of Condoleezza Rice. President Bush’s approval hits a record low of 33 percent this week, clearly damaged by sinking support among Republicans.



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Who are these 32% who still support mellon head. What have they been smoking?

lawyers, guns, and money. now you're down to "hard core" republicans, where the hypocrisy is so thick you need a blow torch to cut it. I think we'll see approval numbers down in the 20's sooner of later when gas hits $4 a gallon and Exxon has another record breaking year.

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The conservative warmongers on this board who post articles all about invading Iran…..


I'm actually advocating NUKING Iran, not invading Iran. There is a difference (ya know, mushroom clouds and everything).

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I'm actually getting tired of this same 'ol too. We really just need to start focusing on getting a good leader in office and a new mid east policy. Bush is a dolt, we all already know that. Let's start getting towards the solution. Please, will the Democrats just get a good hold here and GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This COUNTRY is in disarray.

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I'm actually getting tired of this same 'ol too. We really just need to start focusing on getting a good leader in office and a new mid east policy. Bush is a dolt, we all already know that. Let's start getting towards the solution. Please, will the Democrats just get a good hold here and GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This COUNTRY is in disarray.

Amen, this country needs a freggin leader who will stand up for Americans and not this greedy oil companies...and worry more about our domestic affairs instead of worrying about droppings bombs every five minutes :applause: :cheers:


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Yeah, reminds me of the 1990s :doh:


This isn't about the 90's or the 80's or the 70's. Retrospective comparisons are ok when your dealing with slightly more benign subjects like economics and social issues.

We can't compare this period to others and make assumptions. We really need to recognize the state of the union and get solutions for the present. We need solutions.

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This isn't about the 90's or the 80's or the 70's. Retrospective comparisons are ok when your dealing with slightly more benign subjects like economics and social issues.

We can't compare this period to others and make assumptions. We really need to recognize the state of the union and get solutions for the present. We need solutions.

Sure you can. Comparisions are critical and looking back at history prevents us from making future mistakes

I don't really feel like typing 3 chapters from a book, but if you want insight as to why I would type what I did, read "See No Evil" by Bob Baer. It is the book Syriana was based on

Except gasp! Bill Clinton had the NSC making deal for big oil. And dropping random bombs in Afghanistan

Solutions for the future? Stop driving your car

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Give me the 90's over what we have now. I am tired of the Bush administration/republican party exploiting 9/11.

If you wish lucky

But I know you are smarter then that. The issues we are dealing with today were there then, oil, terrorism, innocents dying

The problem was, nothing was done about it.

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Yes after Bush maybe we can have another president who says one thing then does another depending on what the polls say.

Disagree with Bush all you want but he said the War would be a long hard fight but one that needed to be done.

If the Clinton followers get their wish then our next President will follow the winds of the polls instead of doing what is right even when it is not popular.

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Yes after Bush maybe we can have another president who says one thing then does another depending on what the polls say.

Disagree with Bush all you want but he said the War would be a long hard fight but one that needed to be done.

If the Clinton followers get their wish then our next President will follow the winds of the polls instead of doing what is right even when it is not popular.

The war isnt the only thing brining his polls numbers down; high amount of poor, over a million more without health insurance, spying, rumsfields problems, high cost of energy not just gasoline, too many vacations, abu garab (sp?), how secretive the government acts, slow katrina response, not enough forcus on the issues at home, not willing to listen to the other side...the list goes on

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If the Clinton followers get their wish then our next President will follow the winds of the polls instead of doing what is right even when it is not popular.
Or maybe, continuing to do what is wrong even when you're the last man on earth still refusing to admit your mistakes. Bush's approval rating is getting downright Cheneyesque.
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