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Does anyone *not* eat fruit or vegtables and...


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do you really think that there's a correlation between being sharp mentally and eating "right". We know the the benifits of eating right for good physical health, but what about mental. I guess my take is there's is a definite benefit for growing kids, but after that it doesn't make much difference, but I really have no idea. Thoughts? Kinda a gay thread, but I was curious.

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do you really think that there's a correlation between intellegence and eating "right". We know the the benifits of eating right for good physical health, but what about mental. I guess my take is there's is a definite benefit for growing kids, but after that it doesn't make much difference, but I really have no idea. Thoughts? Kinda a gay thread, but I was curious.

this is a good book on the subject of nutrition and mental funtion. Dr. Haas also has a book for athletes "Eat to Win". I read both in the early 90's and still use many several of the supplements (L-carnitine, Co-Q10) daily.


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it's supposedly a proven fact that your brain needs certain vitamins and minerals you can get best from eating fruit and veggies. i myself eat them all, and i'm not a vegetarian by any stretch of the imagination, i just think they taste good as a *****. i even eat broccoli and asparagus and brussels sprouts, the ones people usually hate.

i have a 158 IQ, and have more than the recommended amount of daily servings. i graduated with a 3.95 GPA, mainly because i spent senior year with my pals mary jane and jack, but still finished great.

i joined the army, scored perfect in every aspect of training throughout my duty, including in basic, and my MOS was satellite positioning and remote detonation, because i scored a 99 on the ASVAB.

while i can't prove this came from what I eat, it certainly didn't hurt. besides, not eating right and going to WVU doesn't say much.....if you're there on a sports scholarship.

the only way it's impressive is if you got an academic scholarship, because anyone with money or good game can get into any college they choose.

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While it isn't totally on Topic read my essay on Teen Parenting......some of the links are bad now but 3 years ago I got a 93% on it.....


Teen Mothers, A Growing Problem in Society

Brice Williams

Professor Fanning

Composition II

Teen Mothers, A growing Problem in Society

Too many teenagers are pregnant and do not know the first thing about how to raise a

child. The only logical thing to do is create a mandatory , state regulated course for all

teenage mothers.

I. Breast-feeding is important to a child’s growth.

A. It increases intelligence.

B. They grow up healthier and socially more adapted.

II. Nutrition can hurt or help your child.

A. Refined carbohydrates are bad for children.

B. Supplements are essential.

III. Interaction, early and often.

A. Interact even though he/she doesn’t understand.

B. Television is NOT good.

IV. The little things.

A. Music sooths infants and children.

B. Pets increase the E.Q. of a child.

C. High contrast object.

Conclusion: State officials need to help educate teen parents. If they do not they are just

as responsible for holding the children back as the parents. Ignorance is not an excuse

but, exceptions should be made for the child’s future.

Williams 1

Teen Mothers, A Growing Problem in Society

There are too many teen parents in the United States today. The most disturbing

part of all is very few of them are properly educated on how to raise a child. During the

first years of a child’s life the brain is constructing a massive wiring network. Brain

activity creates micro-electrical connections known as synapses. By providing the infant

with multiple stimulating tasks parents strengthen these connections and increase the

child’s cognitive development. Too many teens today are content with feeding their child

something simple and sitting them in front of the television. Parents have a brief, but

golden opportunity to increase a child’s multiple intelligences. Teen parents should be

required to take a state mandated course on how to raise a child. I have seen first hand

that some teenage mothers lack all maternal instinct and neglect to properly raise their

child . Majority of activities and actions a teen parent can do for their child are common

sense ,but not performed. Breast feeding, nutrition, and nurture are beneficial in the

development of a healthy child

One of the most beneficial things a mother can do is breastfeed. “Infants breast-

fed for nine months grew up to be significantly more intelligent than infants breast-fed

for one month or less, according to the study in the American Medical

Association”(“Kaufman http://www.mybirthcare.com/babyiq.asp.”) June Reinish of the

Kinsey institute for research in sex, gender ,and reproduction says breast feeding is

Williams 2

a certain factor in individual differences of intelligence. No parent wants his or her child

to be just average. Reinish went on to say, “Evidence is growing that breast feeding is

among the most important lifelong benefits a mother can give to her child. Breast

feeding helps prevent tooth decay, bacteria infections, viruses and, sudden infant death

syndrome (SIDS) .” “A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition

shows that breast-fed infants test 5.2 I.Q.(intelligence quotient ) points higher than

formula infants” ( “American Journal.” ) This research was fairly large, involving 7,000

children in 11 different studies. With the numbers received from the breast-fed group they

were able to estimate how the maternal bonding and , nutritional value helped

individually. James Anderson says, “ Our best estimates are that maternal bonding and

the decision to breastfeed account for about 40% of the increase but that 60% ( 3.2 )

points are related to the nutritional value in the breast milk.” (P. # 1) Within another

study done in The New Zealand School of Medicine, “Mothers who elected to breastfeed

ended to be older, better educated, from upper socioeconomic status families, were in two

parent family, did not smoke during pregnancy, experienced an above average income

and, living standards. Each one of these categories excludes majority of teen mothers and

they need to be informed of how to do their role as a mother correctly. In today’s

technology age we have the tools so the mother doesn’t have the issue of a teething baby.

This can prove annoying and , I’d imagine , painful” (“Payne

http://www.electra.com/Imorrison/e_article000208260.cfm.) This study may discredit the

Williams 3

previous one on the basis of I.Q. increase because that may have been genetic; however,

the health benefits are irrefutable.

Going nearly hand and hand with breast feeding is how you feed your child once it

can handle solid foods. In a study published in the Journal of Applied Nutrition in 1983, a

team of researchers discovered something astonishing. “They found that the higher the

consumption of sugar, white bread, and commercial cereals etc. - the lower the I.Q”

(“Increase your Child’s.”) The study proved that subjects with high consumption of

refined carbohydrates averaged 25 I.Q. points lower than the other subjects. This is a fact

that the majority of teen parents are unaware of and should know about to protect their

child’s mental and physical health. Another study of 351 children divided according to

how much vitamin C was in their daily intake. The children who had a daily supplement

averaged four points higher than those who did not (“Segal


This study did not include any other vital vitamins or minerals yet still proved its point.

Too many teen parents today believe a hot dog and soda will be adequate. While the

previous statement sounds like an opinion, I have seen this to be fact. I have seen first

hand in my own home, at the neighborhood recreation center , and around the block.

Infants who are ready for solid foods should be introduced to as many fresh fruits,

vegetables, and whole grains as possible.

Williams 4

Another incredibly simple , yet uncommon thing a teen parent can do is interact

with their child. After a week or two the new factor is gone and the child becomes a

hassle. So what do the parents do now, you ask? It’s simple. They place the poor child in

front of a television set and pretend like they are good parents. Dr. Shailesh Pangonkar

says television is, “ The main reason behind some children becoming violent and

oppositional” (“Segal http://www.envisagedesign.com/ohbaby/index.html-ssi.”) He goes on to

mention that the limbic area ( lower ) of the brain releases hazardous chemical while

extended T.V. viewing takes place. The T.V.. screen’s 35 or more frames per

second can not be detected by the naked eye ; however, it is sensed by the brain.

This constant flickering, “Makes the right brain function higher than the left thus

leading to a higher unstable personality” (“TV Viewing Harmful

http://health.indiatimes.com/articleshow/618105.cms.”) When a child’s majority

social interaction is the television , their emotional quotient (E.Q.) will be very

low. This in turn makes it difficult to develop relationships when they are older. All of

these issues can be prevented simply by the parent turning off the tube and interacting

with the child. Without the proper education on the benefits of these activities, odds are

they won’t do them enough. A study aired on Bay News 9 stating that if a parent reads,

sings, and talks to their child every day, for the first three years of its life the child will

have an I.Q. 20-25 points higher than average. This is a bold statement backing up the

previous statement, “ Deciding to have a baby is choosing to wear your heart on the

Williams 5

outside” (“Great Expectations.”) I agree, if you are old enough to make a child, then you

are old enough to provide everything you possibly can to ensure a quality future for it.

Now, in addition to food and attention, there are several other beneficial things

every teen parent should know to help their child intellectually. Having a calm child is an

obvious goal and a simple yet uncommon tool is classical music. Generally speaking

Mozart can sooth the senses. Studies have shown that younger children who listen to

classical music once a day can increase their musical intelligence. According to

Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences everyone has 8 forms of intelligence, one of

which being your musical intelligence. Somehow by the age of six months infants can

detect the differences within two keys from an instrument. In another study using six-

year-old children, Glenn Schulenburg conducted a study offering weekly piano lessons or

voice lessons. After one year of this, the average I.Q. of his pupils increased seven points.

Obviously you can’t teach infants to play the piano but this study proves you can increase

your own I.Q. even at the age of six. Another simple thing you can do is allow contact

with a family pet after the age of six months. It is generally not advised infants contact

pets due to lower immune systems until this age. “Having a friendly cat or dog around the

house can do a lot more than provide a little fun and enjoyment for children” (“Moline

http://www.cjonline.com/stories/090497/pets.html.”) Professor Bob Poresky said, “Generally,

we see increases in I.Q. scores and, other measurements of cognitive functioning in

children who have relationships with a pet.” This interaction with a pet increases the

Williams 6

child’s E.Q. as well. Poresky went on to mention, According to the Swiss psychologist

Jean Piaget children are in an egocentric mindset from ages 2-6. “One of the

things a companion animal does for a child is to increase understanding from the

animals viewpoint.” (P#1) One thing many teen parents know to provide for their

children are toys with repetitive sounds such as a rattle. What many do not know is that

infants are mesmerized by multi-color, high contrast images. Pictures like targets,

checkerboards, and spirals can, “ Increase concentration skills, stimulate

synapses development, increase attention span, and enhance curiosity”(“Building Baby’s

Intelligence http://www.envisadesign.com/ohbaby/smart.html.”)

All of these simple things have the opposite effect on a baby the T.V. would.

During my lifetime I’ve known several teen parents personally. Each of them

were good people, just not very educated on how to raise their child. Every 29 seconds in

America a teenager is impregnated. How many of these girls take it seriously, and want

to give their child the best they possibly can? Too few. Too many teenagers are raising

their children without the proper education and , what they think is good may really be

hurting them in the long run. Personally, I would like to see a required course that all

expecting teen parents should be required to pass. Perhaps if they don’t pass they lose

their drivers license? No matter what the consequence set up something needs to be done.

Obviously these girls are mature enough to make them, now it’s time for them to step up

and raise them properly.

Work Citied

“Breastfeeding Improves IQ” American Journal of Clinical Nutrition


“Building Baby’s Intelligence: Why Infant Stimulation is Important” Oh Baby Inc.


Burns, Tom. “Great Expectations” Axis Publishing, Ch.1 Page 7 ,

2005 , Hauppauge, NY

Chun, Noelle. “Articles” Honolulu Advertiser 07/16/04


Kaufman, Marc. “Breast Milk Is Best For Baby’s IQ, Study Says” The Washington Post

May 8, 2002 <http://www.mybirthcare.com/babyiq.asp

Moline, Matt. “Pets Help Boost Kids I.Q. Scores” The Capital-Journal

September 4, 1997 <http://www.cjonline.com/stories/090497/pets.html

“Music Can Raise Children’s I.Q. :Study” India Times Fitness and Health


Payne, John. “ Increase Your Childs IQ” Massage Specialists November 14, 2003


Sehgal, Madhuri. “ TV Viewing Harmful For Brains Of Toddlers” India Times Fitness

and Health <http://health.indiatimes.com/articleshow/618105.cms

Oh Baby Inc. <http://www.envisagedesign.com/ohbaby/index.html-ssi

“Your Child will have a higher I.Q.” American Journal of Clinical Nutrition


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While it isn't totally on Topic read my essay on Teen Parenting......some of the links are bad now but 3 years ago I got a 93% on it.....


Teen Mothers, A Growing Problem in Society

Brice Williams

Professor Fanning

Composition II

Teen Mothers, A growing Problem in Society

Too many teenagers are pregnant and do not know the first thing about how to raise a

child. The only logical thing to do is create a mandatory , state regulated course for all

teenage mothers.

I. Breast-feeding is important to a child’s growth.

A. It increases intelligence.

B. They grow up healthier and socially more adapted.

II. Nutrition can hurt or help your child.

A. Refined carbohydrates are bad for children.

B. Supplements are essential.

III. Interaction, early and often.

A. Interact even though he/she doesn’t understand.

B. Television is NOT good.

IV. The little things.

A. Music sooths infants and children.

B. Pets increase the E.Q. of a child.

C. High contrast object.

Conclusion: State officials need to help educate teen parents. If they do not they are just

as responsible for holding the children back as the parents. Ignorance is not an excuse

but, exceptions should be made for the child’s future.

Williams 1

Teen Mothers, A Growing Problem in Society

There are too many teen parents in the United States today. The most disturbing

part of all is very few of them are properly educated on how to raise a child. During the

first years of a child’s life the brain is constructing a massive wiring network. Brain

activity creates micro-electrical connections known as synapses. By providing the infant

with multiple stimulating tasks parents strengthen these connections and increase the

child’s cognitive development. Too many teens today are content with feeding their child

something simple and sitting them in front of the television. Parents have a brief, but

golden opportunity to increase a child’s multiple intelligences. Teen parents should be

required to take a state mandated course on how to raise a child. I have seen first hand

that some teenage mothers lack all maternal instinct and neglect to properly raise their

child . Majority of activities and actions a teen parent can do for their child are common

sense ,but not performed. Breast feeding, nutrition, and nurture are beneficial in the

development of a healthy child

One of the most beneficial things a mother can do is breastfeed. “Infants breast-

fed for nine months grew up to be significantly more intelligent than infants breast-fed

for one month or less, according to the study in the American Medical

Association”(“Kaufman http://www.mybirthcare.com/babyiq.asp.”) June Reinish of the

Kinsey institute for research in sex, gender ,and reproduction says breast feeding is

Williams 2

a certain factor in individual differences of intelligence. No parent wants his or her child

to be just average. Reinish went on to say, “Evidence is growing that breast feeding is

among the most important lifelong benefits a mother can give to her child. Breast

feeding helps prevent tooth decay, bacteria infections, viruses and, sudden infant death

syndrome (SIDS) .” “A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition

shows that breast-fed infants test 5.2 I.Q.(intelligence quotient ) points higher than

formula infants” ( “American Journal.” ) This research was fairly large, involving 7,000

children in 11 different studies. With the numbers received from the breast-fed group they

were able to estimate how the maternal bonding and , nutritional value helped

individually. James Anderson says, “ Our best estimates are that maternal bonding and

the decision to breastfeed account for about 40% of the increase but that 60% ( 3.2 )

points are related to the nutritional value in the breast milk.” (P. # 1) Within another

study done in The New Zealand School of Medicine, “Mothers who elected to breastfeed

ended to be older, better educated, from upper socioeconomic status families, were in two

parent family, did not smoke during pregnancy, experienced an above average income

and, living standards. Each one of these categories excludes majority of teen mothers and

they need to be informed of how to do their role as a mother correctly. In today’s

technology age we have the tools so the mother doesn’t have the issue of a teething baby.

This can prove annoying and , I’d imagine , painful” (“Payne

http://www.electra.com/Imorrison/e_article000208260.cfm.) This study may discredit the

Williams 3

previous one on the basis of I.Q. increase because that may have been genetic; however,

the health benefits are irrefutable.

Going nearly hand and hand with breast feeding is how you feed your child once it

can handle solid foods. In a study published in the Journal of Applied Nutrition in 1983, a

team of researchers discovered something astonishing. “They found that the higher the

consumption of sugar, white bread, and commercial cereals etc. - the lower the I.Q”

(“Increase your Child’s.”) The study proved that subjects with high consumption of

refined carbohydrates averaged 25 I.Q. points lower than the other subjects. This is a fact

that the majority of teen parents are unaware of and should know about to protect their

child’s mental and physical health. Another study of 351 children divided according to

how much vitamin C was in their daily intake. The children who had a daily supplement

averaged four points higher than those who did not (“Segal


This study did not include any other vital vitamins or minerals yet still proved its point.

Too many teen parents today believe a hot dog and soda will be adequate. While the

previous statement sounds like an opinion, I have seen this to be fact. I have seen first

hand in my own home, at the neighborhood recreation center , and around the block.

Infants who are ready for solid foods should be introduced to as many fresh fruits,

vegetables, and whole grains as possible.

Williams 4

Another incredibly simple , yet uncommon thing a teen parent can do is interact

with their child. After a week or two the new factor is gone and the child becomes a

hassle. So what do the parents do now, you ask? It’s simple. They place the poor child in

front of a television set and pretend like they are good parents. Dr. Shailesh Pangonkar

says television is, “ The main reason behind some children becoming violent and

oppositional” (“Segal http://www.envisagedesign.com/ohbaby/index.html-ssi.”) He goes on to

mention that the limbic area ( lower ) of the brain releases hazardous chemical while

extended T.V. viewing takes place. The T.V.. screen’s 35 or more frames per

second can not be detected by the naked eye ; however, it is sensed by the brain.

This constant flickering, “Makes the right brain function higher than the left thus

leading to a higher unstable personality” (“TV Viewing Harmful

http://health.indiatimes.com/articleshow/618105.cms.”) When a child’s majority

social interaction is the television , their emotional quotient (E.Q.) will be very

low. This in turn makes it difficult to develop relationships when they are older. All of

these issues can be prevented simply by the parent turning off the tube and interacting

with the child. Without the proper education on the benefits of these activities, odds are

they won’t do them enough. A study aired on Bay News 9 stating that if a parent reads,

sings, and talks to their child every day, for the first three years of its life the child will

have an I.Q. 20-25 points higher than average. This is a bold statement backing up the

previous statement, “ Deciding to have a baby is choosing to wear your heart on the

Williams 5

outside” (“Great Expectations.”) I agree, if you are old enough to make a child, then you

are old enough to provide everything you possibly can to ensure a quality future for it.

Now, in addition to food and attention, there are several other beneficial things

every teen parent should know to help their child intellectually. Having a calm child is an

obvious goal and a simple yet uncommon tool is classical music. Generally speaking

Mozart can sooth the senses. Studies have shown that younger children who listen to

classical music once a day can increase their musical intelligence. According to

Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences everyone has 8 forms of intelligence, one of

which being your musical intelligence. Somehow by the age of six months infants can

detect the differences within two keys from an instrument. In another study using six-

year-old children, Glenn Schulenburg conducted a study offering weekly piano lessons or

voice lessons. After one year of this, the average I.Q. of his pupils increased seven points.

Obviously you can’t teach infants to play the piano but this study proves you can increase

your own I.Q. even at the age of six. Another simple thing you can do is allow contact

with a family pet after the age of six months. It is generally not advised infants contact

pets due to lower immune systems until this age. “Having a friendly cat or dog around the

house can do a lot more than provide a little fun and enjoyment for children” (“Moline

http://www.cjonline.com/stories/090497/pets.html.”) Professor Bob Poresky said, “Generally,

we see increases in I.Q. scores and, other measurements of cognitive functioning in

children who have relationships with a pet.” This interaction with a pet increases the

Williams 6

child’s E.Q. as well. Poresky went on to mention, According to the Swiss psychologist

Jean Piaget children are in an egocentric mindset from ages 2-6. “One of the

things a companion animal does for a child is to increase understanding from the

animals viewpoint.” (P#1) One thing many teen parents know to provide for their

children are toys with repetitive sounds such as a rattle. What many do not know is that

infants are mesmerized by multi-color, high contrast images. Pictures like targets,

checkerboards, and spirals can, “ Increase concentration skills, stimulate

synapses development, increase attention span, and enhance curiosity”(“Building Baby’s

Intelligence http://www.envisadesign.com/ohbaby/smart.html.”)

All of these simple things have the opposite effect on a baby the T.V. would.

During my lifetime I’ve known several teen parents personally. Each of them

were good people, just not very educated on how to raise their child. Every 29 seconds in

America a teenager is impregnated. How many of these girls take it seriously, and want

to give their child the best they possibly can? Too few. Too many teenagers are raising

their children without the proper education and , what they think is good may really be

hurting them in the long run. Personally, I would like to see a required course that all

expecting teen parents should be required to pass. Perhaps if they don’t pass they lose

their drivers license? No matter what the consequence set up something needs to be done.

Obviously these girls are mature enough to make them, now it’s time for them to step up

and raise them properly.

Work Citied

“Breastfeeding Improves IQ” American Journal of Clinical Nutrition


“Building Baby’s Intelligence: Why Infant Stimulation is Important” Oh Baby Inc.


Burns, Tom. “Great Expectations” Axis Publishing, Ch.1 Page 7 ,

2005 , Hauppauge, NY

Chun, Noelle. “Articles” Honolulu Advertiser 07/16/04


Kaufman, Marc. “Breast Milk Is Best For Baby’s IQ, Study Says” The Washington Post

May 8, 2002 <http://www.mybirthcare.com/babyiq.asp

Moline, Matt. “Pets Help Boost Kids I.Q. Scores” The Capital-Journal

September 4, 1997 <http://www.cjonline.com/stories/090497/pets.html

“Music Can Raise Children’s I.Q. :Study” India Times Fitness and Health


Payne, John. “ Increase Your Childs IQ” Massage Specialists November 14, 2003


Sehgal, Madhuri. “ TV Viewing Harmful For Brains Of Toddlers” India Times Fitness

and Health <http://health.indiatimes.com/articleshow/618105.cms

Oh Baby Inc. <http://www.envisagedesign.com/ohbaby/index.html-ssi

“Your Child will have a higher I.Q.” American Journal of Clinical Nutrition


congratulations on breaking the all time record for links in a post :laugh: :applause:

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