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Why am I so Tired?

Air Force Cane

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For a couple years I've been blaming it on

lack of sleep, not enough sunshine,

too much pressure from my job, earwax

build-up, poor blood or anything else I could think of.

But now I found out the real reason:

I'm tired because I'm overworked.

Here's why:. . The population of this country is 273 million.

140 million are retired.

That leaves 133 million to do the work.

There are 85 million in school.

Which leaves 48 million to do the work.

Of this there are 29 million employed by the federal government.

Leaving 19 million to do the work.

2.8 million are in the armed forces preoccupied with killing Osama


Which leaves 16.2 million to do the work.

Take from that total the 14.8 million people who work for state and city


And that leaves 1.4 million to do the work.

At any given time there are 188,000 people in hospitals.

Leaving 1,212,000 to do the work.

Now, there are 1,211,998 people in prisons.

That leaves just two people to do the work.

You and me.

And there you are sitting on your @ss, at your computer, reading jokes.

Nice. Real nice.

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I'd be interested to see what percentage of retired people still work.

Although I think I know what you mean, that sentence strikes me as funny. Kind of like asking how many dead people are still breathing.

I guess "retired" can be defined as someone who is drawing SS and/or a pension, and "work" as an activity for which one is compensated for their effort.

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That joke's kinda like American Idol. Entertaining and even funny---in an early-21st century western short-attention-span "whatever, dude" culture kind of way---which hold up best without looking at the numbers too closely. :)

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