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Guilty crush on a TV/Movie chick/dude from your youth


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I know this is cliched, but when I was a kid, I had a crush on Annette from the Mickey Mouse club. The saddest part is that the show was in black and white and filmed during the 50's, so I guess I had a crush on an older woman.

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Because looking back at pics of her then with that huge hair, you wouldn't think that every guy in America that is now between the ages of 23 and 35 thought she was the hottest chick on earth.

That was just the style back then. I thought you wanted crushes that weren't common - like if somebody had a crush on Ms. Garrett or Mrs. Poole. :laugh:

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I used to have a wickedly evil crush on Kim Fields when I was a kid.

It didn't help that she was developing right there on TV as I was hitting puberty, either.

Edit: I don't actually feel guilty about it, but I guess that's not really the point of this thread... :laugh:

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When I was in the 4th grade I got HOOKED on ER. Mostly because I thought George Clooney was amazingly hot.

I am not ashamed of this though...I still find him incredibly sexy.

4th grade and ER... :doh: I'm so old.

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