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A Year of Entertainment, Fun and Happiness


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March marked my one year anniversary coming here and posting. I just wanted to let everyone know it's been real fun.. It's been real annoying, it's been real sad, it's been real happy, but most importantly it's been a real honor for me to be part of a community of true fans. I appreciate this community a lot and thank you for all the fun you've given me.

Special Thanks To

Blondie(She's entirely too sweet)

Om(Your posts make my head hurt)

TK,Blade(Several warnings but no bans =)

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You've lightened up quite a bit over that year, too.

Gothtimus circa Mar 2005 = Grumpy

Gothtimus circa Mar 2006 = kinder, gentler Gothtimus :laugh:

Nice to have you, I always enjoy reading your posts. :cheers:

I would have said

Gothtimus circa Mar 2006 = slightly less Gothtimus. :D

But, still nice to have you. :cheers:

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You joined a week after me and more than doubled my post count. Did you break that 'unwritten law' and start posting right away? :laugh: ;)

I would like to echo your thoughts about what ES has to offer. Depending on the day, it can be a real soap opera. :laugh: You have your sad, happy, and anything and everything in between.

More importantly though, it has been quite an honor and one helluva ride! :point2sky

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You joined a week after me and more than doubled my post count. Did you break that 'unwritten law' and start posting right away? :laugh: ;)

I would like to echo your thoughts about what ES has to offer. Depending on the day, it can be a real soap opera. :laugh: You have your sad, happy, and anything and everything in between.

More importantly though, it has been quite an honor and one helluva ride! :point2sky

I posted right away but I think it was a month or two before I created my first thread. =)

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You've lightened up quite a bit over that year, too.

Gothtimus circa Mar 2005 = Grumpy

Gothtimus circa Mar 2006 = kinder, gentler Gothtimus :laugh:

Nice to have you, I always enjoy reading your posts. :cheers:

I'm still Grumpy.. just it's the offseason and I've had no reason to be =)

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