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Question about Skins font


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Is it legal to use the Skins font? Obviously, not in anything that would be competition with the Skins or even in the same ballpark(non-football activity).

Do they have an exclusive right to this font?

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Is it legal to use the Skins font? Obviously, not in anything that would be competition with the Skins or even in the same ballpark(non-football activity).

Do they have an exclusive right to this font?

Teams can't patent fonts. Don't worry.

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A lot of fonts are licensed. So, like software, you have to have purchased a font to use it. The Redskins font, I'm sure was created soley for the Skins, and therefore is not available for purchase.

However, there are many free fonts available, just like there is freeware software available. I have used the free font "Pythagorus" in the past and it's pretty close to the Skins.

Google it, install it, and you're good to go.

I used it on this, for example:


...and in my sig:

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