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Who Here Watches Pre-Game Shows?


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I personally think they are a waste of space filled with old guys who aren't funny overhyping undeserving players, but maybe thats just me.

I have it on in the background, while I'm on here or adjusting my weekly picks but I never sit down and watch the pregame shows, they are just filler.

:dallasuck :gaintsuck :eaglesuck

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I don't watch them but I think we need them. If we did not have preseason games then we would not be able to find out who is worth keeping, plus it gives us time to groom our younger players and make them ready to play in the NFL.

I don't understand how you're not banned. We're talking PRE-GAME SHOWS, not PRESEASON GAMES! Take that terrible towel off of your eyes before you post.

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Pre-game shows are everything that's already been said 100,000 different times condensed to an hour. Plus, I think it's bad luck to watch ANY pre-game programming -- save for "Redskins Late Night" with Chris Paul. And that I tape and watch AFTER a game.

The last time I watched any pre-game programming before a Redskins game was before Super Bowl XVIII and the only reason I did was because my mom fussed at me for NOT having any pre-game stuff on. After that debacle, I gave up on ALL pre-game shows.

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I don't understand how you're not banned. We're talking PRE-GAME SHOWS, not PRESEASON GAMES! Take that terrible towel off of your eyes before you post.

I did not try to make everyone angry I just brought something up and everyone got angry about it. Not my fault that you can not control your anger and act like an adult about it.

OOPS my bad about the topic.

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I did not try to make everyone angry I just brought something up and everyone got angry about it. Not my fault that you can not control your anger and act like an adult about it.

OOPS my bad about the topic.

Do us all a favor and take the "Skin" out of your name. Nothing about you shows that you are a skins fan other than your misleading name and the fact that you constantly feel you have to remind us (and yourself) that you are a skins fan. ALL of your posts are only meant to enrage the true extremeskin brethren.

They should shut down your IP address out there in PA. I'll personally come up there and take your terrible towel and whipe my @$$ with it. So what the steelers got a gift in Detroit, you only have a few more months of jer*in off to the Bus' Fatheadâ„¢ before you and your beloved steelers become obsolete once again.


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