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I don't want to work anymore, find a hot blonde to settle down with who will take care of my every need and attend every Redskins game for the rest of my life (home and away). That is all!

Oh yeah, a year ago it would have been a brunnete instaed of a blonde.

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I don't want to work anymore, find a hot blonde to settle down with who will take care of my every need and attend every Redskins game for the rest of my life (home and away). That is all!

Oh yeah, a year ago it would have been a brunnete instaed of a blonde.

I don't know man, at age 3 you should be more concerned with learning how to **** in the toilet rather than finding a hot blonde to settle down with.

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No matter what you do, you can’t get rid of it. It’s that imminent sparkle that flashes by as it crosses beams of light that stream through the window. Just like death. Death and Dust. It drifts by with a calm, soothing flutter that you disregard, like the homeless individuals on the side of the street.

They cling to your skin, and although you can’t feel the sting, it’s there. Dodge that dust speck. Just like you dodge those death tracks.

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Major in something you like so you don't end up like me who majored in engineering and got thrown out of VT for a semester :(

I eventually made it out though and graduated , the lesson is put a lot of thought into it , at least more than stupid me did

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No matter what you do, you can’t get rid of it. It’s that imminent sparkle that flashes by as it crosses beams of light that stream through the window. Just like death. Death and Dust. It drifts by with a calm, soothing flutter that you disregard, like the homeless individuals on the side of the street.

They cling to your skin, and although you can’t feel the sting, it’s there. Dodge that dust speck. Just like you dodge those death tracks.

Dust clings to your skin? Alot of dust is your skin. Humans slough off an incredible amount of dead skin. Thankfully there are lots of dust mites in your house and particularly in your bed to eat it though.


Here's an army of them coming to take you away...ha ha.


Oh, you're welcome for the nightmares.

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You must have a home. You must have a home and begin to discover your hidden definitions and appreciations.

From the solid grain in the walls to the dark and shadowed complexions of your face, you must feel your similarities and harmony. How you protect each other, build each other.

Try to truly see yourself in the mirror as an existing duplicate rather than simply yourself, a spirit of the house. The mirror, a solid opening that reluctantly allows a view deep inside the house. Unachievable, untouched, but in sight. You see this trademark of the home, your imprint.

And then you pass on through the homes. Attachments, deeply formed, are bent or broken in order to move on. But the trademark remains. And the new beings of the home gradually form their place's meaning, and truly see themselves in the mirrors, in the company of past trademarks. Incorporating a beautiful thing. The house itself grows into a renowned sanctuary. Families have come and gone, enjoying the protection of its walls. Laughter echoes and cries melt down the steps, the weight of past objects still remains on the floors. An aroma of nostalgia arises and identifies itself through visits and photographs, grainy videos. A beautiful thing, such a beautiful thing.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Why do your kids think they are smarter then you? My son is 12 years old and he swears he is slick. I get so mad at him that I wanna shake him by his ears but I just stare at him in amazement.

"JR, there isnt a thing in this world that you can do that I didnt do ten times. That your Uncle Steve didnt do. That your Grandfather didnt perfect. STOP NOW!!"

Does that work? HELL NO!!! That kid will look you right in the eye and tell you a lie. 2 years ago this kid was my best friend and he idolized me and the sun rose and set in his eyes. Now it is almost impossible to pry him away from whatever else he is doing to play catch. It makes me so mad but it is the way he wants to play this game.

"JR, I have nothing better to do for the next 6 years but to kick you in the butt to make sure you stay on the right path. And I will not fail!!"

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It's 5 AM still working on a paper due at 9 am, plus it's my sister's birthday today so I gotta take her out to dinner, I also have to pick my room for next semester, do a math project do at 12 (haven't even started it) and take a math midterm tomorrow morning (haven't started studying). At this point sleep is clearly a luxury. I am pretty much fuc*ed.

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The percentage chance that your relief will be late is directly proportional to the percentage of hours you've been at work in the last day. Thereby, since I've been here for 24 hours (100% of the last day), there is absolutely NO chance that my relief will actually be here on time (100% chance that they'll be late)

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