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OT- Pm's on this board


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Gatoreye - There is that functionality. Simply go to the "UserCp" link. Go to "Edit Options"... select select YES to the "Pop up a box when you receive a Private Message?" option. That means any time your on the site... if you get a private message... you'll know right away - as long as you're logged in of course.

And Tommy.... to answer your question... members can store 70 PMs. That's what the setting have been set to. We can change that very easily. We also have the ability to purge everyone's PM box... though we'd never do that without permission. Right now you're at 38 messages... so you've got plenty of space :)

Blondie.. I don't know why you would've gotten that email. Can you forward that email or private message to me please? Thanks.

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Well, I'm deeply hurt. And insulted. Seems everybody is talking behind my back. How come I don't get so many PM's I have to think about "clearing out my box"?

And by the way, Blondie, maybe I'm a sick puppy, but your first post made me bust out a wicked laugh. With my mouth full, thank you.

You owe me half a beer. :)

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Originally posted by Die Hard

Gatoreye - There is that functionality. Simply go to the "UserCp" link. Go to "Edit Options"... select select YES to the "Pop up a box when you receive a Private Message?" option. That means any time your on the site... if you get a private message... you'll know right away - as long as you're logged in of course.

Thanks for the tip! Now I just need someone to send me a PM to test it! :D

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