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Why we'll beat the Eagles


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honorary_hog's pregame combined press conference:

Coach Reid, who's the better coach, you or Joe Gibbs?


Interesting. Well, who do you think is better at handling his players off the field?


Wow. Surprisingly honest. OK, for you Coach Gibbs, how many Super Bowls have the Eagles won?


Nope. Sorry coach, the correct answer was "zero." Next question...How would you feel if your career had been as disappointing as Coach Reid's?


OK, sorry. That was out of line. Let's try something a little easier. How many seconds do you think it will take Coach Reid to eat the 14 cheesesteaks on the table in front of us?


Come on? Five seconds? I know he's fat, but geez. Well let's see...Alright Coach Reid, on your mark...get set...GO!


Damn...Five seconds, right on the nose. Coach Gibbs, I guess that's why you're best. So, Coach Gibbs, if you had a player that was acting like Terrell Owens is right now, how would you handle it?


Wow. You'd shove him to the ground and tell him what's what. I didn't expect that. Coach Reid, what has been the team's reaction to the suspension of Terrell Owens?


Well, I guess it's good that they finally have something to celebrate. I just hope the Redskins won't find themselves unable to focus after seeing you in a wet T-shirt.


Too late. Oh well. Coach Gibbs, any final thoughts?


Yes sir. Trophies are nice, no matter the sport. Coach Reid? Ever considered bowling?


Alrighty then. That's hog's pregame presser! Enjoy the win everyone! Goodnight.

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