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Wearing B&G tommorrow...


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I worked 12 to 9 today, and I'm not particularly happy about it either. I say the first quarter at Brittany's (local bar) and listened to the rest on the radio at work (yes, I have it like that :silly: ) And you know what, I'm proud. I ran through the store like a man possessed after the last TD, only to come back and found out we didn't get the two-point conversion. I don't care. 2 point loss, 20 point loss, this team is playing with more heart then I've seen in a long time, maybe ever. 94 yard drive? If that isn't determination, I don't know what is.

Ever Friday to school I wear a skins jersey. Day of the game and after the game, I'm wearing the skins apperal. I love this team, man. And for once, I can see they love the game as much as I do. It's on the feild man, where it counts. Skins till I die, man. I don't care how much crap I get tommorrow. I really don't care at all.


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