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Now 2 Raven ejections......

Walking Deadman

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The Ravens didn't play well, but the refs sure seemed to be out for them too. The Harrington "fumble" was absurd....

I think as a rule, when the refs get 'handled' by a team, they tend not to give them any breaks. I thought there was going to be a brawl at one point. Truly disturbing.

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How many players do we still have from the Superbowl days?

How many times has QB and Co-ordinators turned over?

Its hard to compare yesterday to today

Why do you quote the Raven at the end of your posts?

Why do Baltimorons think that Edgar Allen Poe was from Baltimore?????!!!!! He was from Richmond, Virginia and only went to Baltimore because he was on his way to NYC and had to change trains. He showed up drunk (as he was a documented alcoholic) and was beaten to death in a ditch. So let's get this straight, not only did the murder of one of the greatest American poets happen in "charm city", but the city uses his most famous poem as the name of their football team. I know that the redskins name is not PC (named in Boston in 1932), but isn't it a little funny that if Poe were alive today he would be a Redskins fan as he is a native Virginian? And I am pretty sure he would have nothing good to say about Baltimore.

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