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Mikeb71 Week 5 Pred. He's 3 For 3 So Far!


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Who would have thought it to be true? Our beloved skins 3-0. Will they win next week at Denver?????????

Hello skins fans! It's been great to watch the success of our team. This match up against the Broncos will be the biggest challenge yet! I think the offense will play even better this week and Mark will throw for 245 yards 2 TD and 1 INT. Portis will have 112 yards and 1 TD. It's too even a match, could go either way but I am going to go with the skins by a score of 21-14. They will be 4-0 and oh how sweet!!! Until next week! God Bless!

Mike B.

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Unless Portis catches that 1 TD... then its still only 14 points

Hey sorry guys it was a typo error:) 21-14 Skins will win!!! Who's the other Mike B? Maybe I should distinguish myself to mikeb71 to step infront of the mike pack lol!

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Well... I correctly picked the week 1 win. I picked them to loose to dallas by 14(so glad I missed that by 2 plays, otherwise I was spot on), and picked them to beat seattle by 3.

Unforatunely im going with them losing to the broncos by 7. Unless they do the changes I think they need to do to the offense(the two ive mentioned over and over again). If they do that I think they win by 4.

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