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I saw Serenity tonight!


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The media screening was tonight for Serenity at the Loews White Marsh theater.

Good smart movie. Joss Whedon is known for his writing and it shows. Some people who have not seen the TV series said they were a little lost in the beginning. The movie does have some prologue but soon picks up a little bit after where the series left off. The are many good action scenes and the main space battle rivals that seen in the Star Wars movie. There are some inside jokes from the series but plenty of laughs to go around. Nathan Fillion's character is darker and the Doctor has more balls. River Tam's fight scenes are well choreographed.

Some questions are answered and others are left unanswered. There is plenty of opportunity for sequels and openings for more characters. I do have some disappointments, but to name them would give away the plot.

If this film does well in the box office, Universal will green light two sequels. The film is a great for fans and entertains the newbies making want to watch the series.

Go see the film this weekend, its worth it. :)

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i saw a commerical or something about it the other day (i think tivo downloaded it). the production looked a little cheap but it did look interesting--i love scifi. well i wouldn't say cheap, its like the camera is different or something. its like the watching pbs.

Yeah, this is intentional. For the TV series and the movie, Whedon wanted a more "dirty" feel than you usually get in sci-fi--more of a Western look. He wanted it to be gritty reality, not shiny fantasy.

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ok, don't laugh at me, but i actually enjoyed Buffy (the Vampier Slayer) and Angel-- Joss Whedon's first two TV shows. a girl i was dating, and living with, was a huge fan and we started watching together. i must say, as far as doing stuff together (read: girl choice stuff), that was a helluva lot better than watching one of those "living room shows", you know where they change the furniture for 30 minutes and WALLA! the room is different... what a waste of time....

the writing and acting in Joss Whedon's shows is great. he's got a witty sense of humor and his dialogue is very well written. haven't seen Firefly yet (it's on my Netflix), but look forward to seeing Serenity...

ok, you can laugh now...

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No one should laugh at you for liking Buffy or Angel. Neither are simple teenage action shows. Both of them, especially Buffy, delve into much deeper issues and made for some great TV.

Firefly was a great show, but takes about 5 episodes to get into ("Our Mrs Reynolds" is the episode I believe), so I understand why it didn't succeed. FOX really didn't help though. I saw the movie back in July during a preview screening and was blown away at how good it was. I was really expecting to be let down. As much of a geek as I am, sci-fi rarely translates well. But this movie did it right.

This is not a fan-boy's overreaction, this is honestly how I felt after seeing the movie and talking with non-geek friends that came with: This is the best sci-fi movie I've been in at least 10 years.

Here's hoping it does well at the box office. :cheers:

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i loved firefly. i loved the western feel of the sci-fi world.

pretty psyched to see the movie. at the same time, bringing back the tv series would be better... 1 movie is basically only 2-3 weekly episodes. hopefully it does well so we can get more than 1 movie.

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I saw a prescreening in August and thought it was phenomenal. I remembered a little of the show, but Fox kept screwing by giving it bad time slots, and airing episodes out of order. I'm interested to see the final product and have had a real hard time not discussing various plot points and character developments in the movie with other fans. Bring it on!

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I hadn't seen the show, but I thought the movie was fantastic. Now I just have to find out when the reruns are on the Sci Fi channel.

I was impressed that the movie is written well enough to appeal to me (somebody who never saw the show) and my firend I went with (a fan of the show). That's rare.

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i saw a commerical or something about it the other day (i think tivo downloaded it). the production looked a little cheap but it did look interesting--i love scifi. well i wouldn't say cheap, its like the camera is different or something. its like the watching pbs.

Well, I don't know if you watched the series on DVD or not but on the "Specials" part of the DVD Joss talked about how they purposely changed the camera angle to make it look more "real" and in "real time".

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  • 2 weeks later...
i loved firefly. i loved the western feel of the sci-fi world.

pretty psyched to see the movie. at the same time, bringing back the tv series would be better... 1 movie is basically only 2-3 weekly episodes. hopefully it does well so we can get more than 1 movie.

I just watched the first 3 episodes on DVD...it is an awesome series! I also love the wild-west feeling of the outer-moons. Its definitely a cool show.

I never really liked Buffy or Angel, but a lot of my friends are huge Buffy fans. They all say its one of the best written shows around. There was one episode that was outstanding...I don't think anyone talked throughout the entire episode -- it was called "Silence" or something like that...it was a really cool show. Plus, Sarah Michelle Gellar is a hottie, as is the band-camp girl.

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There was one episode that was outstanding...I don't think anyone talked throughout the entire episode -- it was called "Silence" or something like that...it was a really cool show.

It was called "Hush," and strangely enough it aired in the weakest season of Buffy. It was nominated for an Emmy, too.

Plus, Sarah Michelle Gellar is a hottie, as is the band-camp girl.

Yes. Damn.

I'll shut up now.

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