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Double Standard


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One of my female co workers just celebrated her birthday. She had a party at the her place with some of the girls from the office and they pitched in and got her stripper.

Monday morning the girls who were at the party talked pretty openly and in detail about the party and what went on with the stripper. I found their conversation pretty funny and got a laugh out of it.

Then I thought what would happen if one of the guys in the office had a stripper at his birthday party and invited some of the guys over. What if the following Monday Morning the guys were gathered around talking about, in detail, what had happened, they could get in trouble, possibly talked to by HR and yes even fired. :whoknows:

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:doh: What a sad, sad world we live in when we can't even talk to our friends at work about our weekend. This truly is "The Land of the Free" :doh:

Thanks to the Liberals and their world of PC.

thanks to who? The lopsided reality of sexuality in america has nothing to do with liberals and everything to do with social backlash. Women were seen to sexual playthings and property for a long time friend, their treatment by "the boss" in the office was pretty bad. Less pay and no respect isn't exactly something that happened 200 years ago. Women alive today went through the "go get me some coffee babe" along with sexual advances that went ignored. To this day we view a woman that sleeps around as a whore and a male a stud.

The tables are being turned and the fact that women are now less strictly policed in their behavior in the office is predictable. After all most of us agree that you don't search little old ladies for bombs, because we all know the likely culprit is most likely someone else. Same logic applies here friend, the most likely culprit to act irresponsibly at the office in terms of inproper sexual related conduct is us males and until that view changes we will be treated differently.

Blame whatever political group you want but the truth is the legion of @ssholes that did as they pleased with women in the work place for a long time are responsible for the current situation. Yeah it isn't fair and it sucks, but hey "life is fair" right righty?

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If it was at her place, there really should be no problem.

The discussion at the water cooler was inappropriate -- but it depends on the environment as to how inappropriate. If anything at all (if something needs to be said) I'd bring it to the attention of the first level of management that could talk to all parties involved. Try and keep the matter as low key as possible.

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but hey "life is fair" right righty?


My dad once tore me a new one for making the claim that women should be grateful to men for not using their physical strength to get their way. He was right, it was a freaken jerk attitude to have.

But then again, that was during my conservative day ;).

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The real problem is that even if people aren't offended, they can still use these types of incidents to fulfill a hidden agenda against you.

From my experience in the workplace, once you are accused, you are basically fired, it may not happen on the spot, but since it is nearly impossible to prove it didn't happen and/or the other party is not offended, the employer looks for the easiest route to solve the problem and lets you go.

It's never happened to me, but I have seen coworkers go down for some pretty shady reasons in the past.

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Then I thought what would happen if one of the guys in the office had a stripper at his birthday party and invited some of the guys over. What if the following Monday Morning the guys were gathered around talking about, in detail, what had happened, they could get in trouble, possibly talked to by HR and yes even fired.

Why would HR be notified if a guy did that as well? What's good for the goose is good for the gander.

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