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FFFK THE TRIPLETTES-Disgust turns to Disrespect


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It' ironic, isn't it, that the most disgusting part of this game going in, besides playing in Dallas, besides losing the last 10 games there, besides the almost unbearable thought of losing to the Cowboys again, and losing on Monday night, was the "Triplettes" and the "Ring of Fame". Honoring those players that caused us pain. How dare they shove that in our face, just to rub salt in the old wound. It was almost to much to take. I seriously considered skipping the game completly, but couldn't turn my back on the Skins.

And sure, just like all of you, I suffered through 3.66 quarters of the game,

hoping for the impossible. Getting ready for the seamingly inevitable, once again getting intouch with the pain, Then it happened, bang, bang. We Won and the painfully arranged den of humiliation (Texas Stadium) exploded into the bowl of shame. Yes it backfired, and it was ugly. Ugly for Jerry Jones, Ugly for the Triplettes, and Ugly for the fans.

Well that's what they get for their glutinous attempt at

humiliation, Disrespect and Shame. Shame on the Cowboys, Shame on the Triplettes, and Shame on the fans. Did I mention FFFK the "Triplettes"

Ring of Shame

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