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Poll: Cable vs Satellite

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ok, so i need input from people who have switched from cable to dirctv. I need to know, is it worth it? Im not talking about the Sunday Ticket, cause that's a given, im talking about reception, customer service, and the like. Also, i read on their website that they "mirror" the other recievers, does this mean that you can't watch different shows on different tv's? Any thoughts or input would be greatly appreciated.

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With sat you must have a reciever for each tv so you can watch any channel.

I have had sat for ten yrs and am happy with DTV,although I preferred the programing options before the merge with ussb.

The local cable we have here I will never do business with.

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I had Cox for a number of years and was never really satisfied. Their tech support wasn't very good and my cable went out every once in a while, however, that was probably because of where I lived.

I have had DTV for two years and love it. They don't give you super deals anymore, but I have had very few problems. They guy who installed it actually knew what he was doing. Maybe I just got lucky.

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i can't stand cox! we had a problem with seeing shadows of one channel while watching another. we called them, and they came over and assessed the problem. they were going to send another person to fix it later. when he came, he assessed the problem, and said they were going to send another person to fix it later. next guy came, same story. it was rediculous.

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Who's your cable company? It's Cox out here.

i have time warner here, and by the responses, im gonna go with satellite. It's something ive been debating since, well, they decided to show the saints-panthers game last week instead of the skins-bears game. My only concern is that our house sits on the side of an old railroad ridge, with trees along the enitre side, so hopefully it can still be installed!!

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OK, you satelite guys -- how does weather affect your reception? Lightning? Rain?

Very short periods of "Loss reception." If its raining really hard? The power goes out "all together anyhow." I had both, cable and satellite. Directv Sunday Ticket is the deciding "X-factor" in the equation. I live in Michigan, so without it watching our Skins would be impossible. Same aas for you in Texas.

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Well, to date, I've solved the football-watching dilema with sportsbars. I'm really more interested in the downtime issue.

(I currently have cable, sort of. It calls itself cable, but it's really a microwave connection to a nearby transmitter. I'm not happy with it, I had less outages when I had Cox cable, which uses real cables. As a matter of fact, the only reason I switched was that one of the local broadcast networks wanted to charge Cox for it's programing, and that turned into a legal battle which is still going on. As a result, last year I missed some football games, and that was the deciding factor for me. This year it's a non issue, since that network doesn't have football games this year.)

Anyway, I'm ready to switch again, but to what? that's what I'm trying to figure out.

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I can watch tv in every room of my house, and every room is on a different channel. I can run another line to my garage, and add a tv and put it on a different channel. I can add as many tv's as i want without paying the company and watch any channel. I provide high speed internet too. I have a "tivo" like recorder. I have hdtv. When it rains my owner stays inside and watches me. What am i?

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I've now had DTV with the Sunday ticket and Tivo for many years in 4 different cities. Lost reception once in a blizzard/ice storm. I got it back in 2 hrs where-as my neighbor with cable was out for a full week while they repaired the lines.

Sunday ticket is a must, NFL network is cool when they arent skin bashing, Tivo rocks, and if you move at all DTV is the least hassle to get re hooked up in the new city. :2cents:

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I have DTV (2 years now). No problems. But you will have to get used navagating thru the channel lists that are mostly subsciptions that you won't have (unless you want to spend $300 a month). If you are not wanting

"The Sunday Ticket" then I would consider Dish Network, their prices are much lower.

One cool thing about Direct TV, I have an RV on a mountain in NC that I spend time in, and it only costs me $4 a month (in addition to my FL account)

to have service there. So if you have two locations, you can have 1 account

which is sweeeeet!

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