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Season Ticket Question for Newbie to FedEx


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Ladies & Gents,

I just got a general solicitation from the 'Skins about a set of Tailgate Club tickets. They are available in the following sections:










The package for two seats is a little more than $5K and comes with: "a blue parking pass, pre-game Tailgate Club and post-game club level access." The salesman guaranteed that they aren't obstructed view.

Should I buy them?

Thanks for your help.

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First: use this to see what the sections are like.


Second: I think $5k is high for that. I pay just over $3k for Tailgate Club seats in section 138.


Thanks BD.

I think it's slightly higher because of a $1500 or thereabouts "initiation fee" which when considering how far down I am on the list, comes out to about $75 a year.

I'm seriously considering this.

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i got basically the same deal, middle of the endzone, row 4, red passes...

although i hated the initiation fee, hell i do my own tailgating, i dont regret a thing and the guests that i have taken so far loved the tailgate club.

i say go for it, but GO TO THE STADIUM FIRST and hand pick your seats!!!

feel free to PM me if you have any questions.

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I got the tailgate deal in Sec 135 the year they first came out with it 3 seasons ago and the initiation fee was only $495 per ticket. The next year it was $995....and now $1295. Talk about inflation. And yes...they do remove your name from the waiting list if you purchase the tickets. Had I known I would have bought the tailgate in my wife's name.

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Sorry to conflict with most, but in my opinion, those seats are not worth the initiation fee. They are endzone seats. Endzone seats suck. I'm sorry, but they do. If you think they don't, that's fine, I'm happy for you, but you've never sat between the 40s, have you?

Once you sit between the 40s, you'll never go back.

Also, consider the fact that the reason those seats are available to you is because nobody else wants them.

What we're talking about here is football. Yeah, tailgating is nice, club after the game is nice, but take care of priority number one. And that is, take care of securing the best seats you can first. After you do that, then worry about the other stuff.

I would MUCH rather sit between the 40s upperdeck, than sit in the endzone, lower deck. And I certainly wouldn't pay Snyder money to do so.

I suggest you buy a ticket on ebay between the 40s, just once. Once it all it takes. Enjoy one game between the 40s. Then make an informed decision.

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i can respect your opinion, but allow me to retort.

first of all, yes, i have sat between the 40's, around 20 rows up from the skins bench at least 5 times. i have also sat in the upper decks @ fedex and various locations @ various fields.

before this season i have never sat in the endzone. in my opinion they dont suck. are they the best seats in the house, of course not. do they serve the purpose? youre damn right.

additionally when i bought my seats (spring) i had a choice and the tailgate seats range to around the 20 yard lines, 200 level at least. i chose my seats over the 20 yarder's for the simple fact i was so close to the field (4th row) and directly in the middle of the endzone between the tunnels.

of course the initiation fee is highway robbery, no debating that, but if you are at a point of really wanting to be at the games and not wanting to wait for an unspecified amount of time AND you are willing to pay the price...why not? what's the alternative? i doubt any season tickets between the 40's open up anytime soon.

i am sure plenty of people would love my seats. the players warm up right in front of me. players and announcers wave at the fans because they are close enough to hear us, the fans are rowdy and when the action is on my side of the field, its incredible.

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Wait until tuesday morning and box seats in washington will be readily available for anyone.

with are waiting list, not likely, what u fail to understand about our devotion to our Redskins CowboyBlog is that we never lose hope, if we lose, we see what we did wrong, hope the coach can fix it, we never get down in the dumps because every year we think we have a chance. And the oppurtunity to go to the Redskins game is a PRIVILEGE to Redskins fans.

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I agree with what's been said about the seats, that endzone is better than not being there, but I'd prefer to be toward the front of the upper level. When you're in the endzone, it's great when they're near you -- the players can actually hear you!!! and everyone is really fired up. But it stinks when they're at the other end; you can't tell what's going on, esp on runs. From higher up, you can really watch the plays develop, see open receivers, etc. much better. But it's still fun being there, even in the endzone. I'd say get the seats if you have the money.

But try to get them to at least throw in a green, if not an orange parking pass. If you're in the Tailgate Club, and paying all that money to be in it, they owe you at least that much. (I thought good parking was a privilege that came with Tailgate Club passes, but maybe not.) Believe me, it makes a BIG DIFFERENCE!!! You don't want to have to take a shuttle bus. It adds a significant amount of time to your commute. (I had a friend who had to wait 45 min to board a shuttle at the last game.)

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sknsgirl makes a good point. Parking is crucial. I don't know what I'd do without my green passes. I believe tailgate club includes the right to buy orange passes, $25 each. I would certainly hope so.

Still, all that money, just for the right to sit in the endzone? I dont know.

How about this: Pay the initiation. Get the endzone seats. Then sell them on ebay. People will pay buku bucks for lower bowl, for some reason. Then use the money to buy good seats on Ebay. You'll have parking, you'll have good seats. You'll have everything.

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i wish green parking came with it, not to mention orange...but i got red. this guy says they are now offering blue.

i actually sold my red and bought orange from a friend.

homer, i am with you bro...i just had to get to the games. it was either tailgate club or club seats so i went with the less expensive option. it really does put me in a bind because i love to tailgate (meaning grill my own).

the club is cool however esp. for your guests.

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That's unbelievable. You pay all that money for initiation, and best they can do now is stick you in the back of the endzone and give you a blue parking pass??? That's ridiculous.

And the irony is, for me, I do my own tailgating. If I did it, it would be for good seats, good parking, and club access after the game. They can have the food. But, the seats aren't good, and the parking isn't good either.


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I am sitting in Sect 133 this yar, and the seats are Awesome.. When they are playing on that side of the field, you are in the action. When they are on the other side, you can see the plays develop from the QB POV. Very nice seats. Anyway, I have sat on the 50 yd line (7 rows back) behind the Redskins bench for most of my life, and although those are nice, the endzone seats are better IMO because I am actually closer to the field (Row 16). It is closer to the field because you do not have the bench in b/t you and the field. When there is a TD in that endzone, you can Damn near Hi-5 the player.

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