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Need fedex parking advice


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My father in law has recently retired from Preaching. We are both Skins fans and he has always wanted to go to a game live, but has been Preaching. I found us some tickets for the seahawks game. When the tickets came, I realized we have no parking pass.

I went to FedEx a couple years ago when the church lot was a cash lot. From what I read that is not the case anymore. Parking in what is now the Red lot is the only way I know how to get in and out quickly. We are about 4 hours away in Roanoke, so getting out early will help us not get home after midnight. We are going to get there around 10:00 or 10:30 am.

I posted a add in classifieds section, but since I don't post very often I'm thinking that no one will sell to me.

So, plan b. Any good place to find parking pass. I'd like to pay 25 bucks or less.

Or, how bad is parking in the cash lots and taking the shuttle? Will that make us late as crap getting out? How early should we get to the cash lots. How much are they? What is the best one of the cash lots?

Love the site. Read everymorning these days. Thanks for the help.

Go Skins!

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Cash parking and hopping on the shuttle is your best bet, and you have one of the quickest departures, depending on when you get on the shuttle at the end of the game. Best bet for you might be to hook up with someone on the board, meet them in thier section after you get on the shuttle, if you are looking to tailgate that is. Anyways, i think Cash Lot is $25, but i dont know when they start running the shuttles

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Take the beltway to the Landover Rd. exit, take it towards DC. Bear right. Turn into the first right hand turn and park in Landover Mall. Parking is $15.

You can walk to the stadium from there. It's slightly less than a mile, although you can see the stadium from the Mall.

To get back, get one of the buses in front of Gate C. It will take you to Landover Mall, and it's free.

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The Cash lot is $25, easy getting in. You can check out the unofficial ExtremeSkins Tailgate in the green lot---they are very welcoming and about as family friendly as you're going to get at a tailgate party.

It will take you about 1 to 1.5 hours to get on the shuttle bus and get back to your cash lot at the end of the game.

My wife and I went to our first game this past Sunday, and the ExtremeSkinners were very hospitable. I couldn't have asked for a better time.

Good Luck and have fun. Make some noise when Seattle's offense is on the field.


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