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Any Redskins fans know...

pR0JEkT 21

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NFL players on a personel level? Like for instance they all dont need to be starters, but I mean as long as they are on a team this year it counts. Either close friends that you know or played through high school with or against and etc. Ok heres mine:

Vernon Fox: #36 / 2nd string strong safety / Detroit Lions

Arnold Parker: #17 / He got released after preseason / San Francisco 49ers

Jamaal Brimmer: #33 / He got released after preseason / Seattle Seahawks

Steven Jackson: #39 / 1st string running back / St. Louis Rams

Edgerton Hartwell: #50 / 1st string middle linebacker / Atlanta Falcons

I went to the same high school and played on the same team as Vernon Fox and Arnold Parker, played against Jamaal Brimmer and Edgerton Hartwell and just knew Steven Jackson from attending the games on fridays!

Ok, guess I did this as a curiousity thing. I just wanted to know who knows who just for fun! So who do you know?

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No. But I did stay in a Holiday Inn Express last night.


hmm the only person I know know, like I can call up and talk to doesnt play in the NFL yet.

Hes a WR at Notre Dame, Chase Aneastasio..

My cousin does know alot of people. He went to VT with Michael Vick. And he is good friends with that DE that plays with the 9ers(engleberger i think?)

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