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Iraq explodes today..


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Hi, I am not going to paste the article, but here's the link, undoubtedly everyone knows the goings on today.


I put this in here because about a week or so ago there was a big debate over "The Daily Show" and it's place in commentary or even news.

Well about a month ago they had a correspondent on there (his name and organization have escaped my memory, sorry..) and he SAID SPECIFICALLY that Al Quaida and the insurgency were planning a massive Tet-like offensive in which they would strike multiple targets at once... and they were planning it for the very near future.

Well, now here it is.

I wonder when people are going to start listening to the warnings that have been given, and continue to be given. This guy was VERY specific, and seems to me called todays events practically to a "T".

As to the Daily Show's relevence in this, yeah, it is a comedy show, but their Q&A periods do get some very interesting people saying some very interesting things... like pretty much telling everyone that what happened today was in the works..


EDIT- sorry,, i must have somehow missed the other thread on this as i skimmed,, feel free to merge.

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don't you think that you've outlined a case for negligence/irresponsibility on the part of the daily show?

REAL intelligence under the guise of a satire? Exact dates/times of terrorist strikes mixed in with doody jokes and other 7th grade humor?

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well, to be fair, the part that the guy said all this was after all the doody and masturbation jokes.

When Stewart sits down for his interview, occasionally it is a first rate bit of TV... as in this case. Other times he talks over folks and acts up, but that is his job. As I recall this guy who said these things caught his attention early and precluded Stewart makin fun of him while he talked.


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Hi, I am not going to paste the article, but here's the link, undoubtedly everyone knows the goings on today.


I put this in here because about a week or so ago there was a big debate over "The Daily Show" and it's place in commentary or even news.

Well about a month ago they had a correspondent on there (his name and organization have escaped my memory, sorry..) and he SAID SPECIFICALLY that Al Quaida and the insurgency were planning a massive Tet-like offensive in which they would strike multiple targets at once... and they were planning it for the very near future.

It was Seymour Hersh. I think one of the things he alluded to was "an all out offensive on the green zone".

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The Daily show has "wonky" type folks on there all the time.

Between the jokes, there is a lot of good information.

Here's a (sort of dated) CNN.com article on how a lot of young people got their presidential race information as much from the Daily Show as they do the Big 3's nightly broadcasts.


They were also more likely to have accurate information about the race.


And my FAVORITE, comparing The Daily Show's viewers to those of Mr. Loofah, Bill O'Reilly...

"Far from being a bunch of stoned slackers, viewers of "The Daily Show" are actually smarter and more affluent than those of "The Factor."


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** Polling conducted between July 15 and September 19 among 19,013 adults showed that on a six-item political knowledge test people who did not watch any late-night comedy programs in the past week answered 2.62 items correctly, while viewers of Letterman answered 2.91, viewers of Leno answered 2.95, and viewers of "The Daily Show with Jon Stewart" answered 3.59 items correctly, resulting in a difference of 16 percentage points between "Daily Show" viewers and people who did not watch any late-night programming. For more information on the survey including tables and methodology, please visit the National Annenberg Election Survey web site at www.naes04.org. For more information on the Annenberg Public Policy Center please visit www.AnnenbergPublicPolicyCenter.org

In response to Bill O?Reilly?s "stoned slackers" and "dopey kids" comments during his September 17 interview of Jon Stewart on Fox News Channel's "The O'Reilly Factor":

?The median age of "The Daily Show with Jon Stewart" 11:00 p.m. (premiere) airing is 35, while its median income is $67,000. ?The median age of "The O'Reilly Factor" 8:00 p.m. (premiere) airing is 63, while its median income is $54,000. ?Viewers of "The Daily Show" are 78% more likely than the average adult to have four or more years of college education. ?Viewers of "The O'Reilly Factor" are only 24% more likely than the average adult to have four or more years of college education. ?Viewers of "The Daily Show" are 42% more likely than the average adult to have a household income of $75,000+. ?Viewers of "The O'Reilly Factor" are only 6% more likely the average adult to have a household income of $75,000+. ?Viewers of "The Daily Show" are 26% more likely than the average adult to have a household income of $100,000+. ?Viewers of "The O'Reilly Factor" are only 11% more likely than the average adult to have a household income of $100,000+. ?Viewers of "The Daily Show" are 74% more likely than the average adult to have a household income of $75,000+ and an occupation of "professional, owner or manager." ?Viewers of "The O'Reilly Factor" are 15% less likely than the average adult to have a household income of $75,000+ and an occupation of "professional, owner or manager." ?Viewers of "The Daily Show" are 37% more likely than the average adult to be in a "white collar" profession. ?Viewers of "The O'Reilly Factor" are 15% less likely the average adult to be in a "white collar" profession.

From Joe's link

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