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So Where's This Censorship I Heard So Much About?


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I'm with you, Art. Watching this board today has been downright embarrassing. I guess when you open the floodgates, you have to take the good with the bad. Can you check IDs at the door or something?

PS - :applause: to The Dane and SlingingSammy!

I don't so much have a problem with the individual reaction of people. I'm disappointed that folks decided to post everything in their own individual threads, causing us hours of work to keep up and keep it clean instead of just consolidating within existing threads expressing the same view. Most of the time the community is better about controlling itself. Here, the Swarm got rowdy.

That, more than the words, bothered me most.

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I don't so much have a problem with the individual reaction of people. I'm disappointed that folks decided to post everything in their own individual threads, causing us hours of work to keep up and keep it clean instead of just consolidating within existing threads expressing the same view. Most of the time the community is better about controlling itself. Here, the Swarm got rowdy.

That, more than the words, bothered me most.

Maybe upon breaking news the MODS could initiate a 3 hour cool down period before posting is allowed on that particular subject. ;) I think Freud would have had a field day yesterday.

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