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If Cooley didn't push off


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Then aren't we talking about a great game from Ramsey we would have got the touch after coming from deep in are own area Ramsey wouldn't have got knocked out and it would have been a great confidence builder. Man I wish they would have let that call slide.

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There was no push-off...no advantage.

But Gibbs has a history of having his H-Backs go directly to the defender on such plays and 50% of the time this is the result. I also am sorely tired of all these point and shoot passes. Receivers should be hit in stride...not going to a spot and jumping in the air. Part of this is the coaching offensive mindset and part of it is ineptitude of the QBs which cause the play to go that way...sometimes the receivers or the O-Line protection just blow it.

We can only hope all those sideline hitch passes were aimed squarely at Dallas in terms of their upcoming week of preparation. Because if not, I got news for JG...they ain't gonna fly. Smurfs version 1, 2 or 3 will get injured very quickly doing this crap.

A little bit, yeah...to keep things honest. But as much as yesterday? With todays defenses? Time to rethink.

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