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Cnn President Holidays In Nantucket During Network Hurricane Coverage


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CNN President Jonathan Klein spent last week on a posh island off Massachusetts while his network was down in the muck, covering Hurricane Katrina, the NEW YORK DAILY NEWS reports.

Reporter Lloyd Grove quotes a CNN rep: "Coverage plans for the hurricane were set before he left, and Jon was in constant contact with his deputies and CNN the entire time."

Klein has held the title of CNN president since November 2004.

Klein's holiday in Nantucket did not apparently hurt CNN in the ratings; the all-news network saw audience levels reach the highest levels in years, with host Aaron Brown even topping FOXNEWS one night last week in the demo.

Despite the rare Brown demo win, FOXNEWS still commands a wide lead over its competition.


Check out the font Mattie McRight used to promote this urgent news story...

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Funny how Drudge doesn't mention that the president was vacationing in Crawford during the Katrina.

Man, the right has lost grips with reality. Just look at the spin, the response and the inability to admit anything went wrong.

Bush, when asked if he would fire Michael Brown answered "why would I do that?".

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Guest sith lord

Unreal. People will get mad at a 16 year old for putting onions on their whopper, but refuse to get mad at the president of the United States for his short comings that cost lives.

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Im not sure if you guys know In-and-Out burger, well its so good its a west coast thing. They are located only in California, Arizona and Nevada. They have a burger called the double-double. Anyways they have it without onions unless you ask for onions then its called a double-double animal style thats the burger with grilled onions. Hmmmmmmmm it is so good if you live in 1 of those 3 states that I mentioned you know what Im talkin about. If not when you are in town and you need to get a burger remember what I said the fast food joint is called In-and-Out burger and the burger is called a double-double animal style!


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An onion is an onion.

I beg to differ, there are many different types of onions. You're showing your onion prejudices.

The onion family contributes an impressive range of flavourings which are used, in one from or another, in most of the world’s savoury dishes. While some cooks regard onion as a lowly ingredient and pay little attention to its provenance, type and storage, others who know better treat it with due respect. French chefs use different onions for their specialties.

Onions rank as the sixth largest vegetable crop in the world and was worshipped by Egyptians of antiquity because of its unique, spherical shape and concentric rings. Egyptian artists regarded onion as one of the most important foods and attributed it powers of eternity. On Egyptian reliefs and wall paintings, onions are depicted in gold, and artists awarded it an exalted status. Researchers traced the origins of onions to Asia and domesticated uses to 3500 B C. Undoubtedly wild onions grew much earlier and were used as flavouring by imaginative cooks.

Onions are low in calories and nutrients except in vitamin A in scallions (green onions). Photochemicals in onions promote health, and quercetin acts as an antioxidant.

There are three types of onions; spring, storage and pearl.

* Spring onions are grown from fall to spring, and have a mild taste. They are shipped immediately after harvest.

* Storage onions are firm, dry and possess a pungent taste. After harvest, they are dried and then shipped.

* Spanish onions are large and mild, often used sliced in hamburger buns for extra flavour and texture.

* Red onions have a similar sweet flavour to that of Spanish onions, and occasionally chefs prepare it marmalade-style to accompany grilled sausages.

* Vidalia, in Georgia and Walla Walla, in Washington State are famous for their extra mild onions. Some people slice them and enjoy them on sliced buttered rye bead. They are available in April and May.

* Pearl onions are white, small, and mild in taste.

There is no nutritional difference between onions.

Onions come in three colours white (5 percent); red 7 percent) and yellow (88 percent).

Chinese cooks use storage onions as a vegetable and prefer spring onions as a flavouring for their recipes and believe in its gastronomic value. Indian cooks are fond of flavouring their dishes with onions.

Middle Eastern cooks use onion extensively particularly for their stuffed grape leaves, or all vegetables that they stuff i.e. tomatoes, eggplants, green peppers, and zucchini.

Shallots, a gourmet delight, were once believed to be a distinct species of vegetable. They are in fact a particularly tasty variety of onion. Allium ascalonicum (shallot) has achieved culinary independence and holds an important position in classic French cuisine. A reduction of finely chopped shallots and dry white wine is the foundation of some of the best French sauces.

Normandy and Brittany France, are well known for their flavourful shallots. Quebec and Ontario produce shallots of good quality. Large Chilean shallots look impressive, but offer little flavour

Onions are versatile; you can eat them raw or cooked. Raw storage onions are difficult to digest. Serving slices scallions in salads as a garnish enhances flavour, eye-appeal and facilitates digestion. Onions can be sautéed, boiled, roasted, or used in stuffing.

Onions should be stored in a cool, dry place to avoid sprouting. Storage onions tend to be more pungent than their fresh counterparts.



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Funny how Drudge doesn't mention that the president was vacationing in Crawford during the Katrina.

Man, the right has lost grips with reality. Just look at the spin, the response and the inability to admit anything went wrong.

Bush, when asked if he would fire Michael Brown answered "why would I do that?".

Right, because when the President's schedule was set months ago his staff KNEW a major hurricane would hit NO and demolish the area, but decided it wasn't important enough to change plans. :doh: When the depth of the the tragedy was known Bush cut his vacation short and went back to work as any president would. I'm sure you think Bush should have been down in the gulf trying to stop the hurricane with his bare hands, or perhaps challenged armed thugs while they pillaged the area. I don't care what the president of CNN is doing, however if anyone is spinning here its you.

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Funny how Drudge doesn't mention that the president was vacationing in Crawford during the Katrina.

Man, the right has lost grips with reality. Just look at the spin, the response and the inability to admit anything went wrong.

Bush, when asked if he would fire Michael Brown answered "why would I do that?".

Chom if you think the president is EVER on vacation you have no clue on anything. Saying the president is ever on vacation is a complete oxy moron and it is people like you who just scream and scream till your hearts content that is what is wrong.

No matter how many times you blast Bush for being in Crawford you have never said anything about the fact they were doing work in the West Wing of the WH during that time, so might now have been a good place to be anyway.

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Chom if you think the president is EVER on vacation you have no clue on anything. Saying the president is ever on vacation is a complete oxy moron and it is people like you who just scream and scream till your hearts content that is what is wrong.

No matter how many times you blast Bush for being in Crawford you have never said anything about the fact they were doing work in the West Wing of the WH during that time, so might now have been a good place to be anyway.

Perception Jbooma, it's all about perception. Also, answer the approximate comment all administrations make when a crisis occurs when they are away "we are heading back to Washington to coordinate and better handle the incident".

If Bush is never on vacation, and has everything in Crawford, why did he leave?

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