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Watched Redskins 2005 Draft pick highlights last night....

The Gibber

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I just watched this Redskins: 2005 draft pick highlights dvd from Netflix last night. Being that I love all things Redskins and that the start of the season is this week, I thought that this would be a great thing even if it was ranked with low ratings on the netflix board. Well people, it was worse than I thought. Although, it was nice to see our draft picks in action, they would literally replay every play three to five times, for no real good reason. It seemed like they had to pay the NCAA per play so they just kept showing the same play. The funny parts were that they had a section where they talked about guys that were previous draft picks (Arrington, ST, Portis) and it sounded the same as the 2005 draft picks except they would start every montage with "Here are what some draft experts were saying at the time of their draft". Also they called Jason Campbell a great fit for the West Coast Offense.

Anyways, even though the overall quality was awful, if you want to see about 10 plays per draft pick replayed three times each it is worth the rental. I did enjoy seeing the Nemo footage as he was quite impressive and seemed really quick. Overall, I give it 1 out of 5 stars, but since I am chomping at the bit for football even one star is worth a little bit of my time. But if you rent it, dont go blaming me it you think that it sucks, because I did warn you.

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