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Terry Bradshaw's Comment?


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I didn't hear him say third in NFL, or even say where he thought we would finish. I did hear him taking up for Ramsey though, after Joe Nobody Buck thrashed him for the entire first half of last weeks game.

He said something like: "look at my stats my first couple of seasons. A QB is helpless until a team puts stars around him."

Bradshaw is absolutely a Ramsey fan. I remember him praising him in 2003, too. I even think he took up for him last season a few times.

But if he is going on record saying we will finish 3rd....well, I applaud his willingness to walk out on a limb. I think we will do ok (8-8, maybe 9-7), but third? I don't know, where did the Patriots come from their first win in the SB? Anything is possible.

Bradshaw... :applause: :cheers:

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He clearly meant the NFC East. You heard his comments during the game. He's not high on the team.

He did say something to the effect of "a QB is considered a bust until he has the appropriate talent around him" when they were analyzing the play of Ramsey. I interpreted this as a plug for Ramsey as he was clearly comparing himself, and his 4-SB win career, to that of Ramsey saying he didn't win until they drafted the talent to go along with him.

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