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If You Could Meet and Spend Time With


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NO, I'm not sucking up to the staff :laugh:

Funny part is, my best chance to hang with another Extremeskins member is in Texas. ;) I have a bunch of family in the Dallas area, and I'm sure we'll go visit sooner or later..................

Fact of the matter is, there's at least 15 to 20 members I would love to hang with for a while. Some newer, and some original members, but you made me pic only three :(

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Well, I've already hung around a bit with Tommy-the-Greek, who is a great guy. (BTW< he speaks very highly of you, Blondie.) ANd thanks to Tommy, I got to meet Ron Jeremy, CowboyKilla and a couple others...and to think a couple weeks ago I'd never even spoken to anyone from ExtremeSkins....

I'd love to meet Code one of these days and talk guitar shop. And of course, I need to meet Remlik, so I can fulfill my destiny, whatever he tells me it might be. :paranoid:

I'd like to meet Huly at some point, just so I can annoy the heck out of here with a zillion dog questions. :)

LuckyDevil and I could discuss the benefits of free markets, and I could antagonise Nick (ntotoro) and Liberty for hours on end with questions about Lebanon and Iran. :)

All the mods would be cool to hook up with, of course, as well as most everyone here.

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Most likely Chewy,kevin B,and diehard again, or Art.

I want to learn how they make there sick sites,sigs,and videos.

Without the site i proably wouldnt have gotten intrested so much in coumpters.

I will proably meet alot of people durning the tailgates this year. Cuase i bought my own season tickets. I meet diehard at training camp and hes a cool and nice guy.

I talk to Ghost on aim and clintonPortis. The young guys stick together. But i think everyone is preety much nice.

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Lady Sapperton :)

No seriously tho... I'm going to try and float over to DTC/4C tailgate. Ya'll look like you hold it down.

being the official Pimp of the Lady Sapperton, I'll tell you now she is close to being all booked up for the home opener - she may be able to squeeze you in (nasty pun) during the 4C tailgate breakdown - lets say around 11:45 am- it'll cost ya one cold beer and a chicken wing

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This is almost impossible.

If could hang out with three ladies...Blondie, dks, and skinsgal. Skinsgal is former neighbor and a lurker here. She is a great preson.

I'd say Pete, Bubba, and PCS for throwing down a few.

Art, Pez, and Skinsfan44 for serious grilling.

Tarhog, Diehard, and TK would be another good group to have a few with.

Sarge, NavyDave, and a liberal to be named later...just because :laugh:

Would have to fit 69 Yards and Blade in somewhere.

Should be fun to have Art, Westbrook36, and TomGiants Fan is a room together. :D

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tarhog, halter (talk to him quite a bit an still havent met him), and it's probably a tie between iheart, grumpyvet, pcs, ronjermey, riggins44, spacemanspiff, and about 10 other people...i cant pick just one!

thanks for the mention! Unfortunately, when I met you in person I was having a problem called "a 30 pack and a game called beer pong". :laugh: ...maybe next time we can have a real conversation.

I have been fortunate to meet a lot of people on the site..some only briefly, some I have had a conversation with and some I have known for years:








Dustin M. Fox



Tommy the Greek




Art Monk Fan

Blondie (I even had my picture taken with her)

Park City Skins


and of course Blade...I am sure I forgot some people... :chug:

I am basing my Three on ones that I haven't met yet...hmmm....Ghosts of Nibbs McPimpin to see if he is the same in person as he seems to be based upon his writing, DieHard because he was one the original owners, and Zoony because I think he would be fun to party with!

I hope to meet more ES'ers this season! :cheers:

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Are we doing hogfest this year? (sorry hard to check as much lately with me being out of country for a few more weeks) Oh, and any chance of getting a better spot since we are now the messageoard of the Skins?


Om...I would love to know if you talk as eloquently as you often post.

Kilmer...learned lots of political facts from even if I have rarley agreed

any mod...just to say thanks for giving me a place to come spend time with other fans

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tarhog, halter (talk to him quite a bit an still havent met him), and it's probably a tie between iheart, grumpyvet, pcs, ronjermey, riggins44, spacemanspiff, and about 10 other people...i cant pick just one!

My heart is slowly breaking because Dks didn't mention me in her post :( :laugh:

As far as people I'd like to hang out with:

Dks - Its always good to have cute girls as friends, because they inevitably introduce you to more cute girls! ;)

Ghost of Nibbs McPimpin - Because, well, I'd just love to meet the guy who came up with that screen name. Also, we've had some 'lively' discussions in the Tailgate, and it would be fun to wash them all away with several beers! :cheers:

Art - Because he played rugby (I think) and its fun to go out and drink with ruggers. Plus, when we get really tipsy he sounds like he can handle himself if we get a little rowdy with the regulars! :D

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