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Many Props to Redskins.Com


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I just want to say, I'm very impressed to get home after fighting traffic and to my delight find all the post game interviews and game video and such on redskins.com.

Working in the I.T. world I know that was a pretty quick scramble to get that video up on the page...

Great job..

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Redskins.com has gone from an embarrassment to a genuine positive part of being a redskins fan.

Exactly. And some people have yet to appreciate that.

Put it this way, if the Redskins had been doing this all along... ExtremeSkins would have never needed to be built. It's encouraging to see them "doing it right". It means they have some good people in there now.

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I think Joe Gibbs had some part in reaching out to the fans, because when he was in racing a very important part of the sport was the fans, I think he brought that over with the Redskins, good job redskins.com staff!

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It is a fantastic thing they are providing over there and it will only continue to get better as they dial it in and figure out what works and what doesn't. I am surprised by the number of fans who simply don't appreciate the effort and access provided by what the team is doing over there. My guess is they have motives beyond simply being a fan of the team.

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