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Steelers Post-Game Interview POLL


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We will have an Extremeskins rep at the Steeler's pre-season game this week, with the opportunity to be in the locker room after the game.

Obviously, key players like Ramsey, Moss, Portis will likely be interviewed by mainstream media. And you'll have access to those clips via redskins.com.

But are there guys you'd REALLY like to hear from after this game?

This is your chance to tell us who you want our guys to speak to! I've given you some compelling choices - write-ins are welcome too! You can't vote for as many as you like, and while we make no promises, we WILL attempt to interview the 3 top vote-getters for you.

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I heard from most of these guys before.

I would want to here from Rock. I cant recall ever seeing him interviewed.

Also McCune.

No way would I want to here from Taylor. Im still pissed he was such an idiot as to not show up to camp, not return Gibbs call and then of all things, get charted for something like he did.

He has to earn the attention by doing something good first.

We create these egomaniacs by giving them attention even when they screw up.

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I will post a thread at halftime asking for questions for Coach Gibbs. This week, instead of asking OUR question - we're going to ask one of yours :) Don't put them up here - these should be questions specific to the Steelers game. But you'll have a chance Friday from half-time to late in the game to come up with a question.

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I would really like to know how David Patten compares the Redskin organization to his old team.

Funny you should say that. I was just talking to my friend about this today.

Why would he have left the Pats and how do they compare.

I think Gibbs looks at the Pats and sees he old team and organization modernized. Thats probably what Gibbs is shooting for. You have to respect the Pats org and how they play. I could put Redskins helments on them and be totally happy watching how they play.

I think bringing Patton here was huge for that reason. Its like having a Monk, Clark or Sanders on the team. He already gets it and hes been to the dance 3 times with a quality org. He is going to do a lot off the feild for this team as well as on.

So thats why we got him. Why come here ? He probably sees the same thing in the coaches, knows there preps, and he sees the talent we have and are getting. Why not be a big fish instead of just one of the WR. Plus he can be a big part of building something here. I wouldnt be surprised if he is the name WR with 80-90 catches and 900-1000 yrds

I think when we look back. Patton is going to be looked at like a top knock redskins WR in the mold of a Clark, Sanders.

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I appreciate your seeking our input -- but what I'd really like to see is you guys using your football judgment, based on what you saw in the game, to figure out whom to approach. The mainstream media usually interviews a) the big names, or B) the same obvious choices. What you guys can do is use your sophistication (and our collective wisdom over the prior week) to figure out that it makes sense, e.g., to ask Dockery (and Buges?) about how he's progressing after you notice that he's getting better leverage and is more consistent.

And actually, this is a completely stray thought: at some point, why don't you guys go to Sean Taylor. Tell him: a) this is a fan site, not a media site (including Crazy Zeb's Bad to the Bone Video, which he apparently saw and like), and you know he's had a problem with media outlets writing about him w/o first asking his opinion, so you want to give him an opportunity to do just that -- express his opinion about whatever he wants to talk about, you'd be delighted to hear about football or anything else. That might just fly.

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I'm interested, personally, in learning about how things are different from last year, from the players' perspectives. That would be interesting insight to help us make some informed opinions on how the team may or may not be better. And, as identified over and over again, the key questions are the performance of our brand new WRs, fixing last year's weak o-line performance, and the defense picking up for Pierce/Smoot.

Some ideas:

Randy Thomas: ask about how the line is compared to last year.

[or] Casey Rabach: see how he's fitting in, how the line is meshing.

Sean Taylor: almost exactly what Romberjo said.

Marcus Washington: compare this year's defense to last year's defense, at this stage of the preseason. Would be good to get one of the leaders of the D to comment.

David Patten: try to dig in to how the WRs are doing, particularly compared with other WR corps he's been a part of. He's answered this question before, but if there's a way to get him to speak more candidly, or to answer more questions about he and Santana learning the offense, chemistry with each other, comfort with the system, and lastly (but also the most frequently asked), rapport with Ramsey.

Anyway, just a thought-

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I voted for Antonio Brown.

Brown came out of nowhere last year and added an excitement in the return game that we sorely lacked (cough, cough..Mr. Morton). This year he has emerged as a potentially crucial piece of the puzzle. In addition to his outstanding return skills, his performance this preseason as a WR working with Brunell might have put him right in the mix for significant playing time.

I think he could provide an exciting look into what we'll see in both ST and the passing game.

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I'd like to hear from Marshall or Big Joe Salave'a!

Both have some some hefty pressure on them to perform, but I'd like to know how they feel about overcoming certain hurdles to just crack the starting rotation last year and now being locked into an important role on a top 5 defense.

Big Joe's story is awesome from what I have read and I think both guys are perfect examples of the type of players that Gibbs and Williams cherish.

Marcus Washington would be a hell of an interview too. He's very down to earth and is gracious to everyone. He's also probably the leader of the defense at this point.

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I might be the only one who votes for him but I would love to hear what Ladell has to say about his role in our offense. Last year he did great as our 3rd down back. He seems to get better with each touch and he's been healthy. Would like to hear if the thinks he's gonna get more touches this year.

RB controversy? :jk:

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Need to hear from Lavar and Ramsey too. It would also be great to see if we could grab one the Ex-skins if you guys happen to find one at the game. For example, I would love to Jacoby's or Manley's take on this year's team/players.

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Arrington will be interviewed by the mainstream media guys because its his first game back and it'll show up on redskins.com within minutes. Thats the whole point I'm making guys - you're already going to have that available. What you've NEVER had available is talking to the 2nd tier guys (whose play is often crucial and from whom you seldom hear). The point regarding using our judgement based on the game is a good one, and we'll always reserve the right to do that (and again make no promises we'll get the guys you select). But we will try our best :)

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