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Theisman anti-Redskin?


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Don't know about the rest of you but to me Theisman sounds like he played his entire career for the Cowboys. Everytime he's commentating he's dogging out the team that put his butt on the map. Wheres your loyalty Theisman?

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What!! Don't know what you've been listening to. All he talks about is what it was like when he was a player and how great he was and how everyone should be doing something different. Even when they suck he should talking them up.

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Originally posted by ZoEd

Don't know about the rest of you but to me Theisman sounds like he played his entire career for the Cowboys. Everytime he's commentating he's dogging out the team that put his butt on the map. Wheres your loyalty Theisman?

Theismann has done nothing but talk up the Skins. He wants them to succeed very badly and is still loyal to Joe Gibbs. If he talks up anyone else, especially Dallas, it's only because he does not want to be accused of "homerism".

By the way, a case could be made that HE put the Redskins "on the map" and not the other way around. It wasn't like he put on the Skins uni and then magically became an NFL MVP.

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There is no way in hell he put the skins on the map. He was good but he didn't "make" the Redskins. He was surrounded by a great cast of players, argueably the greatest. Evidently my ears must be tuned differently because all I ever hear him do is talk about how great the other team is and how terrible the Skins are. Riggo does tell it the way it is but he gives credit where credit is do. Thats why I like turning down the TV and listening to Sonny and Sam. They call games like true Redskins.

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LOYALTY! Bottom line. You don't hear Aikman dogging the Cowboys on national television. He always takes the high road when it comes to his team. That's all I'm looking for LOYALTY!

By the way, the Cowboys suck.

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I'm not talking about supporting Gibbs. He worships the ground Gibbs walks on. I'm talking about the Redskins. I know it's his job but I'm talking about Loyalty. You can be loyal and still be a broadcaster Sonny and Sam do it all the time. Criticism followed by positive comments. That's all. Yeah Aikman dogged some QB play then turned right around and talked about the guy being young or not having a great line because of injuries and so forth. Joe all but comes out and says the players suck! This goes back farther than last night. He's been pissing me off for several seasons now.

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After last week there were several on the message boards here saying they wanted a quarterback's perspective to critique the passing game during the preseason games. Now that we got one in Theissman, this is the kind of thread we see. Guess this proves that there is nothing they can do that won't anger someone.


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Originally posted by ZoEd

I'm not talking about supporting Gibbs. He worships the ground Gibbs walks on. I'm talking about the Redskins. I know it's his job but I'm talking about Loyalty. You can be loyal and still be a broadcaster Sonny and Sam do it all the time. Criticism followed by positive comments. That's all. Yeah Aikman dogged some QB play then turned right around and talked about the guy being young or not having a great line because of injuries and so forth. Joe all but comes out and says the players suck! This goes back farther than last night. He's been pissing me off for several seasons now.

Hey, write CBS and tell them to get Aikman for next week


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I'm not just talking about last night! He has been dogging the Skins ever since he started commentating. Watch, if Ramsey has a great game he'll crawfish and talk about how any QB could lead this offense because of the line and the RB and the WR. He'll follow that up with Brunell would thrive under this system. He's like a freakin woman, he's never happy. He needs to quit trying to relive his glory years and say brake a leg guys, oh yeah that's right he's the one who broke a leg.

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I totally disagree w/ the initial thread. I, like Theisman and many other fans, know what the standard is for Redskin football and it is frustrating to watch the team play today. To call a spade a "spade" does not mean you don't love the team; here it means you want to see improvement. I also think that Joe bleeds Burgandy and gold and I bet you'd seem him gitty as a kid at Christmas once he recapture our old (standard) form.

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It is frustrating but through good times and the bad you have to stick by your team and I'm sorry but I haven't seen Joe do that. Maybe he has an axe to grind with the ownership, don't we all, but as a fan I get tired of hearing him talk down about his team.

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Originally posted by Park City Skins

Disagree. I clearly remember Troy hammering the Cowboys QB's on more than one occassion. As well a few other things. It's his job these days for one. And as an explayer, I covered that one.

Agreed, since moving here last season, I've heard Troy on more than one occasion express displeasure with the cowgirls and the direction that the tuna is taking them. He doesnt come off as brash but there is certainly an air of doubt.

Joe is saying the same thing we've all been saying for years! GOOD FOR HIM! At least he's got the forum to do so!

Hail to the Redskins!




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i just feel he is answering the way us fans would answer, if we are watching a game and we get a little pissed we might say that Ade Jimoh needs to work on this or that because he has sucked forever or that Ramsey needs to act like he is a vetern or such. I don't think he is dogging the redskins it is just fan love and he has loyalty to us that is why he covers us, i feel it is less for the money

but i have never felt we were getting plummetted by his bad comments, they come when they are necessary and he also says a lot of positives, i for one couldn't be happier that he will be doing MNF, i can't wait for Redskins COwboys with Theismann on national TV

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If your going to say things like that you should provide atleast one...


3 would be better...

Right before the game he was talking about how focused Gibbs was..

Joking about Nascar and how he had a couple of cowboys and not a redskin...

And how he didnt know who Lebron was because he was so focused...

Hmmm, now that I think about it.. were harder on the team than Joe is...

And I never liked Joe.... Mr. Never my fault...

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