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Nunyo Demasio aka whipping boy on live at noon today to talk about 'Skins (8/19)


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Washington, D.C.: Nunyo, whats your take on the Redskins & extremeskins.com merger?

Nunyo Demasio: It makes sense. You could actually see it coming. The Redskins have upgraded their website, and it needed a fan message board. Extremeskins is one of the most popular sites -- full of rabid Redskins fans.

All right, which one of you rabid wise guys got through?

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Nunyo Demasio: McCants has a lot of sluggish practices, but once the lights are on, yes, he often rises to the ocassion. Jacobs looks like he won't be back in at least another week or two.

which is it? 1-2 weeks or 4 weeks?

I hope he's back before the 11th.

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Nothing the man says in this chat strikes me as particularly insightful or original. Either we as "rabid fans" have become as much if not more knowledgable about the Redskins as the lead beat reporter covering them for the town's lead newspaper ... or the guy is seriously just mailing it in.

We tend to give the media an overly hard time once in while, I know, but stuff like this just serves to reinforce the growing suspicion that the lines between people getting paid to cover this stuff and guys who do it for love have finally ceased to exist.

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Originally posted by Om

Nothing the man says in this chat strikes me as particularly insightful or original. Either we as "rabid fans" have become as much if not more knowledgable about the Redskins as the lead beat reporter covering them for the town's lead newspaper ... or the guy is seriously just mailing it in.

I was thinking the same thing.

As little as 3 years ago, my eyes and ears were glued to everything the WP/WT put out.

Now I look at there stuff as just another source... telling me things I already knew.

Seems like they only break a story now about once or twice a year.

I think that is a function of Gibbs, though. The guy keeps it in-house....

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Originally posted by Om

Nothing the man says in this chat strikes me as particularly insightful or original. Either we as "rabid fans" have become as much if not more knowledgable about the Redskins as the lead beat reporter covering them for the town's lead newspaper ... or the guy is seriously just mailing it in.

We tend to give the media an overly hard time once in while, I know, but stuff like this just serves to reinforce the growing suspicion that the lines between people getting paid to cover this stuff and guys who do it for love have finally ceased to exist.

I agree with this. What some of us wouldn't do to have the opportunity that this man has.

I spend half my day at work thinking about/discussing the Redskins...I might even work some OT if I were getting paid for it!

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Originally posted by TD_washingtonredskins

I agree with this. What some of us wouldn't do to have the opportunity that this man has.

I spend half my day at work thinking about/discussing the Redskins...I might even work some OT if I were getting paid for it!

If I had his job, I would write thought provoking and insightful articles like the the one he wrote today about Ramsey and Brunell being friends. That should tell you how good he is at reporting ACTUAL football news. :puke:

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