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Everything posted by AsburySkinsFan

  1. You know, if American Christianity was even neutral then the numbers would be even...as it is they are flipped from what we are meant to understand about Xians. What's that say about the religion?
  2. That passage doesn't mean what you want it to mean. You'll lose track trying to count how many passages speak about knowing them by their works, fruit etc. Calling an apple tree an apple tree is not against Christian teaching. So feel free to try and sell that amateur Bible scholar crap somewhere else.
  3. I love when the offenders are the ones telling others not to judge them. Why is it the guilty are always the ones complaining about being condemned?
  4. Where's the Bible verse that says that Children of God would reject the refugee while the sons and daughters of Satan would be the ones to love their neighbors?
  5. Nah, it was directed at the church. Trump is still off limits for him.
  6. Or....oooorr.....or just maybe enact legislation that allows medicare and medicaid to negotiate prices with the pharmaceutical companies! God why is it that we always have to do everything the hard way!?
  7. ok, this is my new SportsCenter right here, Jomboy is awesome. I wish he'd do other sports.
  8. Trading Puig and then 25 min later Puig going out like that is the most Reds thing ever. Seriously, their FO is as bad as the Skins. Please, we get the toddler who had a tantrum and threw the ball into the stands. Cincy-land is not happy this morning.
  9. White people by in large do not believe in systemic racism. They cannot fathom that the social structures in which they live and thrive might not treat all people equitably regardless of race. It also means that they shoulder some of the responsibility, and they aren't racists....they have a black friend....he came over once. Columbine But that was a game changer and really hasn't been repeated since. Especially since it's so much easier and as effective to just get an AR with 30 round mags and a bunch of ammo to do as much or more damage than Dylan and Eric did. And you're not breaking the law until you start firing. Heck, if we listen to the Right you won't even be breaking the law by carrying all of that onto school grounds. ****ing bunch of morons.
  10. I hope you're not in law enforcement, because if you are so simple that you cannot figure out that a drug related murder, a trailer park domestic murder, and a MASS ****ing SHOOTING are different crimes that have to be dealt with and prevented in different ways then just give up now. Didn't even get a full page in with the Garlic Fest shooting before the next one.
  11. Yup. I spent too many years denying myself the joys and pleasures of life. I watch those around me living afraid of disappointing the sky ghost, and I see myself in them. Looking down in judgment upon those things they could enjoy, all to do what? Sorry, but attending Promise Keepers and men's study groups just ain't doing it for me. You have but one life to live and you will only regret those things you didn't do. Live life to the fullest!
  12. That's the point I've been trying to make the whole time. What you describe is escapism, and not part of what the Bible seems to teach. Not only that but nearly everything you've been taught about Heaven does not come from the Bible. A devout Christian understands that LIFE is the gift of god, which is why the sting of death has been removed because the resurrection is there to undo death. See that's the whole point of all of it, according to the Bible god is working to restore creation back to its original state, Eden, not in "heaven" but here on earth, with the faithful rewarded with eternal.....wait for it..... LIFE. Once heaven is seen as the goal escapism begins and death is viewed as the doorway, and not the negative consequence of sin.
  13. Are you ****ing serious? I didn't value my step mother's life if I see her death as a positive! You don't have a clue what you're talking about. Good night, but you need to drop this because your logic is stupid.
  14. One exception doesn't make a rule but it is sufficient to disprove the absolute statement you wrote below. You said I "can't", I proved to you that I can, and do. Therefore you absolute statement is false. If that's what you consider a miracle...then thank you because you've proven my point that there is no such thing.
  15. To your first point: My step mother's life was torn apart by crippling anxiety and depression. She took her life to end the pain she endured daily. **** you if you don't think an end to her pain was a good thing. To your second...name some miracles then, let's see if they hold up to scrutiny. The previous poster (who ran away) claimed that miracles are to convince an unbelieving people of the power of god. So surely these miracles will be so plentiful and unexplainable as to drop the scales from my blinded eyes.
  16. So you're gonna proof text one sentence Jesus said from the cross? Ok, two can play that game; 2 Peter 3:8 "But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day." See, more ****ing Rorschach blots. Going to prepare a place for you gives ZERO indication about when you'll take possession of your new condo. And I don't focus on the suffering because that's a given. You were the one who said theists don't see death negatively, even while death goes hand in hand with sin. To not see it negatively is to divorce what shares DNA.
  17. Never said that suffering wasn't connected to sin, you are saying that I said that. The timetable of what happens immediately after we die is ambiguous at best. You want to attribute a timeline to a god who obviously rejects timelines (considering he transcends time). In your mind Jesus goes to prepare you a place so you have a place to hang out after you die while you wait for his return. At best the clearest image is the throne-room in Revelation but lets not pretend we can do much with literal interpretations in Revelation. However, you have Abraham who believed he would go to the place of the dead, Sheol, where ALL the dead went. What do I believe happens when you die? Your relatives will spend an inordinate amount of money on a funeral so your body will be preserved in a VERY comfortable box that you will never enjoy all because they feel guilty. They'll exchange casseroles and hugs and try to think of something profound to before they all start fighting over the ****ing will. Meanwhile, you'll be rotting...slowly because of the juice they pump into your corpse because our culture cannot accept death as a natural part of life. Or you'll be on a mantle in a jar. What did I believe before? At first I believed in heaven because, that's what my preacher believed, and I believed in Hell because God needs to damn people who aren't me. Then I dropped that **** because it doesn't make any sense. Then I settled in on basic resurrection because that's what the book actually says. Then I woke up one day and never looked back.
  18. Yup, typical Evangelical dichotomy between sin/death as if the two aren't intimately connected. Oh, and don't think I ever said Paul fears death, I said that he's accepted his imminent death. This might be difficult but those are two different things. And just because Paul has accepted his upcoming death does NOT mean he no longer views death as a consequence of sin. You are sterilizing death which is common in Evangelical circles because you ignore what the resurrection ACTUALLY is and you reinterpret "resurrection" to mean Heaven because you don't get that actual bodily resurrection of the faithful is the promise of the Bible...not an eternity in "heaven". So you're fine to believe what you choose, it's just not Christianity. It's another religion with Jesus as a hood ornament.
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